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DEMI P.O.V.: he bit his lip and shook his head.

Nick: I've been waiting a lot to make a move on you, cause I never thought it was the right timing and now that we already kissed, I would like to...continue making moves, I thought we'd start to date after the kiss (he said apparently ashamed and I swallowed staring at him) was I wrong?

Demi: no, you weren't wrong at all but...it's...I did a lot of thinking about it and just...we can't Nick

Nick: why? Give me your reasons

Demi: it has nothing to do with not liking you or not being ready for it. I think we both are ready for a step like that but...I can't risk you Nick, I'm afraid and I don't want to risk our friendship for a-

Nick: shity feeling? (I nodded and closed my eyes when he said it. Nick knows me better than I know myself) why do you think it's a risk?

Demi: don't you see it? If we start dating then we'll start being around each other a lot of time, we'll fight obviously and what will happen when we break up?

Nick: there's not another option? Is just "what will happen when we break up"? Not "what if we break up"? (I rolled my eyes)

Demi: do you really think we'll last too much? Cause I know us both and I know that neither one of us is too good at love.

Nick: but we could fight for it. Obviously we can't do it if you're afraid. I won't make you do something you don't want to Demi (I sighed and rested my body on the breakfast counter still looking at him)

Demi: when I lost you the last time it hurt like nothing else in the world. I lost someone who I always thought I would have with me

Nick: you still have me

Demi: yea, now I do cause we worked to get here again. But what if it doesn't work again? You really are willing to risk us being friends?

Nick: (he smiled slightly at me) I do Demi, cause I think we can work this out and I'm ready to do this

Demi: I don't think I can do it (I said tearing up and he walked to me slowly)

Nick: Dem, I promise I won't ever walk away from you...even...even if we don't work things out (I sighed and tried my best to hold my tears but I realized I failed when I felt his thumbs drying my tears softly) don't cry, Dem...why are you even crying? (He asked smiling that handsome smile he has)

Demi: Nick, what would everyone say? What would happen if we break up? I just don't wanna lose you, I really don't wanna lose you (I put my hands in my face and felt him hugging me tightly to his body)

Nick: hey...we can do this, I can't assure you will be okay, but I can promise I'll do everything in my power for us to be okay (I nodded on his chest) you nodded? That's a good sign, isn't it? (I chuckled and hugged him from his waist)

Demi: it is a good sign (I said and looked at him) just promise me we'll take things slow...please? I don't wanna jump into something if we can't even handle everything like we should

Nick: totally promised angel (I smiled bitting my lip)

Demi: it's been a while since you've called me angel (he smiled and nodded)

Nick: you don't have an idea of how many nicknames you're gonna get from now on (I chuckled)

Demi: same for you (he nodded and I hugged him burying my head in his chest smelling his scent)

My phone started ringing and I glanced at Nick before taking the call.

Demi: hi?

Phil: Demi I got you an interview this afternoon with Ellen

Demi: really? That's cool

Phil: yea, are you busy? You should go to the studio soon to start getting ready

Demi: oh umm...I'm busy but I'll be there soon

Phil: okay, I'll see you there

Demi: alright, bye

Phil: bye (I hang up on him and looked at Nick)

Demi: I guess I have to go to work

Nick: yea...are you doing something tonight?

Demi: mmm no, I don't think so...why?

Nick: umm, wanna go out for dinner?

Demi: but paps-

Nick: I'm gonna fix that, nobody will know...just say yes? Come on (I giggled and sighed before nodding)

Demi: okay stubborn boy, I'll go

Nick: I won't pick you up so we don't spread rumors...I'll meet you in the restaurant

Demi: which one?

Nick: I'll send you the address later

Demi: okay (he hugged me once more after walking to the door and kissed my head)

Nick: be safe, and don't worry for Ellen, you'll be amazing (I smiled big and kissed his cheek)

Demi: thank you and be safe you too

Nick: see ya

Demi: see ya (he grinned at me and left the house. I smiled to myself and grabbed my phone quickly to send some texts)

To my group with the girls

Demi~ it's official, Nick and I are going out tonight...as a date

Taylor~ you talked?

Ariana~ you're okay now?!

Selena~ that's amazing Demi, go for it!

Miley~ I always knew this day would arrive!

Demi~ yes, we talked and we're okay...I'll talk to you guys later cause I have to work but thanks!

To Sophie

Demi~ I have a date with Nick tonight

Sophie~ you what?!?!?!?

Demi~ guess you never knew we kissed, right?

Sophie~ you whAT?!?!?? 

Demi~ I'll be in Ellen's studio, wanna go with me? So I can tell you everything

Sophie~ sure, I'll be there

Demi~ alright, see ya there luv

Sophie~ see ya boo!

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now