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NICK P.O.V.: we threw some towels on the sand and sat there watching the sea.

Demi: look at the color of the sea...just wow

Nick: yea, it's pretty beautiful

Demi: is there any kind of paparazzi here?

Sophie: I don't think so, I haven't feel anyone but I'm not sure...why?

Demi: PDA, you know (we laughed and Joe shrugged)

Joe: I haven't seen anyone neither but maybe there's someone...I wouldn't risk it all if I were you just not until we make sure there's no one here to photograph you guys sharing kisses

Demi: yea, I think that's the best (she said glancing at me and I nodded before standing up)

Sophie: where are you going?

Nick: umm, I just wanna swim (they nodded and Demi looked at me with a frown on her face)

Demi: you're okay?

Nick: yes (I took off my t-shirt and sunglasses and started to walk to the water)

To be honest, there was something about being a secret that I hated already. I hated not being able to hold Demi's hand in public or kiss her whenever I want to and the fact that she seemed okay with it made me a little angry...cause I thought in a very selfish way.

She doesn't love me as half as I love her.

I swam under a soft wave and when I got out I felt her there behind me even tho I didn't see her yet.

Demi: you're not okay, I know you Nick

Nick: I'm okay, just a little upset but I'll be fine I guess

Demi: a little upset? (She walked closer to me and I turned around to face her, the sun making me close my eyes almost completely but I could still see the worry in her face)

Nick: I just feel like...nevermind Dem, this is only gonna bring problems

Demi: then, tell me, we're supposed to get through problems together not cover them

Nick: I don't wanna ruin the trip already

Demi: Nick, you won't...just tell me what happens (I swallowed and nodded)

Nick: I feel like you don't care if we spend time together or are able to kiss and all that romantic stuff and it hurts me in a way

Demi: wait, what? (She shook her head)

Nick: I told you this is gonna bring problems

Demi: no, it's not gonna bring problems at all (she said kinda angrily to me) why do you feel that way? What made you feel that way?

Nick: you seem like it doesn't really matter to you if we're able to kiss or hold hands whenever we want to and that's all I wanna do. It makes me feel like you don't love me as half as I love you

Demi: (her jaw dropped in anger and she walked closer to me) you're so stupid, you really think it doesn't matter to me? Cause of course I'd love to be able to do whatever the fuck I want to with you but it's not so easy yet. And also, the fact that you think I don't love you as half as you love me? What is that? Like really Nick, I took off my clothes to come here to check on you even when I'm feeling the ugliest and you think I don't really love you?

Nick: I'm sorry, I just- (she walked even closer to me and took her sunglasses off) what are you doing?

Demi: I want you to check it for yourself

Nick: Demi...

Demi: why don't you look into my eyes now? (I sighed and stared right into her eyes) you know when I'm lying, right?

Nick: yes

Demi: I would love to be able to kiss you when and wherever, hold you hand while walking down the street, everything a couple can possibly do in public but I'm not ready for that impact in my life. Nick we're on a relax vacation, if people knew about us right now, they'd follow us even when we go to the toilet and you know it (I nodded slightly) and it's also a big fat lie what you think. I love you, I really do and I don't ever want you to feel it otherwise

Nick: I'm sorry-

Demi: am I lying? (She said looking deep into my eyes)

Nick: no, you're not (she nodded and bit her lip)

Demi: just so you know how much I love you, I'm gonna do something I shouldn't but God will be on our side

Nick: what are you talki- (I couldn't finish talking cause she hugged me by my neck and crashed her lips into mine taking me aback. We kissed for less than five seconds but I was already smiling when she moved backwards)

Demi: I love you, okay? I hope it's clear now

Nick: it's super clear (she smiled) and I love you too

Demi: yea, it was very clear when you started this whole scene (she laughed and I glared at her)

Nick: you better run

Demi: okay (I ran behind her to the sand where Joe and Sophie were cuddling)

Sophie: is PDA allowed?

Nick: nope

Joe: it seemed like it is

Demi: I was just confirming something to him (she smiled at me and I nodded before taking a seat beside her on the towel)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now