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NICK P.O.V.: Demi walked out of the bathroom with her natural make up done and her hair in a ponytail.

Demi: I'm well dressed?

Nick: yea, I told you not to dress too fancy

Demi: yea but you also told me tonight I'd know what Sophie talked to you about this morning and I think it's something important

Nick: it is

Demi: then, why wouldn't I dress fancy?

Nick: cause is not gonna be as fancy as you're thinking (she groaned)

Demi: it would be easier if I knew what she's gonna announce

Nick: chill baby, you look good and are perfect for this (I said making my way to where she was and she smiled at me)

Demi: you're the best boyfriend ever like...of the whole wide world (she wrapped her arms around my waist and I kissed her forehead)

Nick: maybe is because I have the best girlfriend of the whole wide world (I winked at her and she leaned up to press her lips on mine) mmm we should go, we're gonna be late

Demi: kay

Nick: don't forget to bring your phone (she sent me a confused look and I shrugged) you'll realize later

Demi: whatever (she grabbed her phone and we left the room to go to the restaurant)

We met Joe and Sophie downstairs and went to the restaurant to have dinner. The dinner went calm until Sophie stood up when the dessert arrived.

Joe: where are you going?

Sophie: nowhere

Joe: what's happening then?

Sophie: umm, I bought this for dessert she said and put a big box on the table

Joe: oh, what is it?


Sophie: take a look love, you too Demi (Joe opened the box and both Joe and I started to tear up. He stood up and hugged Sophie tightly while I took a pic of the announcement)

Joe: baby, I love you, this is the greatest new ever...I swear

Sophie: I love you too (they kissed and I hugged Sophie)

Demi: I can't believe I'm gonna be an aunt! (She smiled and I kissed her cheek)

Sophie: my baby will love you as much as Joe and I do

Demi: I can't wait, truly

We finished the rest of the dinner having fun and being happy and when we went back to our rooms, Sophie told us to post the announcement as they did when they engaged.


ddlovato guess what? The Jonas family is growing!! @sophiet and @joejonas you both will be the best parents ever

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ddlovato guess what? The Jonas family is growing!! @sophiet and @joejonas you both will be the best parents ever. I love you both so much! You're the greatest couple ❤❤❤

I left my phone in the bedside table and made my hair in a messy bun before getting under the sheets.

Nick: what's up? (He said after cuddling me)

Demi: nothing

Nick: can you imagine when we have our first baby? (I bit my lip and looked up at him)

Demi: you seriously wanna have babies with me?

Nick: yea, you don't? (I chuckled)

Demi: of course I want to...but I never thought someone would want me to be the mother of their children

Nick: well, I do (he said shrugging and I kissed him sweetly) do you wanna go to Copacabana with Joe and Sophie tomorrow?

Demi: I don't, and I hope you don't neither

Nick: why?

Demi: cause I already have a little something planned for us

Nick: tell me it's not a baby yet (he said with wide eyes and I laughed before shaking my head)

Demi: it's not a baby yet Nicholas

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now