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DEMI P.O.V.: we headed to the hotel while laughing and talking about the dinner and everything after 10 p.m. Once at the hotel, we took the elevator to our floor.

Sophie: anyway, we love you guys...bye

Nick: by-

Sophie: wait guys...I forgot something. You Nick umm...(I raised my eyebrows at her and Nick frowned)

Nick: what?

Sophie: I'd like to hang out with you tomorrow morning

Nick: with me? (He said a little surprised and she nodded while Joe glanced at me a little awkward)

Joe: why do you need that?

Sophie: it's something I need to talk with him

Nick: umm I- sure Soph, whatever you need (he said and shrugged)

Sophie: thanks a lot, and I'm sorry guys for being like this but it's important, I hope you don't mind

Demi: sure (I said a little jealous)

Joe: so Dems...I guess it's gonna be us tomorrow morning, huh? (I smiled at him and nodded)

Demi: course, I'm actually missing some good time with my best friend (he smiled back at me and Nick cleared his throat) anyway, goodnight guys, love you (I entered to the room and Nick did too behind me closing the door after it)

I was a bit mad at him for never asking me if I was okay with him and Sophie meeting tomorrow morning so I just walked to the bathroom and changed my clothes quickly.

Nick: Dem? (He asked me when I came out of the bathroom and I raised my eyebrows for him to continue) is everything okay?

Demi: yea, why wouldn't it?

Nick: I know you...something's not right...what is it?

Demi: you really wanna know what I think or feel now? (I said and he sighed nodding his head)

Nick: is this about Sophie?

Demi: what? No! Why would I be mad at you for scheduling a secret reunion with your sister in law and not asking me how I feel about it? Ridiculous (I said before turning my body to the window, my back at Nick)

Nick: what did yoh expect me to say? No? Come on...hey (I shrugged)

Demi: it's okay if you wanna do it but I just don't understand the reason nor why you didn't care about my opinion (I heard a giggle and felt his arms hugging my waist. I tried to unwrap his arms off me but he held tighter)

Nick: I'm sorry angel, I should've ask your opinion but sometimes I forget I have a girlfriend now

Demi: I hope you don't forget that in a club or something (I said a bit down and he turned me around to caress my cheek softly)

Nick: I'm only gonna do this cause I think she really needs me if she asked to meet, but I won't take too long, I promise...I wanna spend my time with you and only you

Demi: whatever Nick (I pushed him away and walked to the bed. After getting under the sheets I glanced at him) I'm gonna sleep now, goodnight and good luck with Soph tomorrow

Nick: Dem...baby (I turned the lights off and heard him sigh) I get it, it's okay...goodnight, I love you

Demi: me too (that was the first time I didn't say "I love you too" to him since we started dating and I only said "me too" cause I wouldn't want him to think it otherwise but I was really upset at him)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now