Chapter 3

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When we get into the limo you can actually feel the awkwardness in the air. I sigh and I grab the box under the seat. Courtney and I always have a box there for clothes to change into everyday. Layla doesn't let us dress normally, but she let's us break any other rules. Do you really think we would be caught dead wearing these clothes? I look at the limo driver who nods and shuts the little window.  I really don't know what it's called. I should learn that someday.

Inside, there is a black sparkly tank-top and black jeans with high heal knee boots. I quickly put on the tank-top and the jeans. I take my curly hair out of the bun and let it go draping down my back and my shoulders. Then I put on my boots. I look more like Until I look to my right.

I see Courtney with the same clothes on. It was her turn to pick out the clothes and usually she makes us wear the same thing so I'm not surprised. She calls it the *twin theory*. She likes to see if people can tell us apart. She likes to confuse people. We are confusing people.

She just finished putting on her red lip stick and now we look exactly the same.

She keeps tapping her fingers on the side of the door. It's driving me insane!! Little thing drive me insane! Just then I remembered the box. I take it out of my purse ( which actually goes with the outfit) and I get my first real look at it.

It was dark blue with one word written in cursive across the lid in gold writing. Alice  I open the box slowly and cautiously, not knowing what to expect inside.

Courtney stares at me "What's that?"

That was a good question. I finally looked down. inside the box was a golden charm bracelet. It had everything I loved on it like roses, sea horses, dolphins, fish, and it had a star. Then their was something strange on it. Also, there was a tiny fish hook on it. that puzzled me. Why would Erick put a fish hook on it? Then I see it.

On the bottom of the box there was a note.

------------ Dear Alice,

------ You should thank your brother for passing this along for me. I would give it to you myself but I'm a little busy at the moment. I'll see you soon. Happy birthday Alice.

-------------- sincerely, James

-----------ps. tell Courtney happy birthday

I carefully put the note in my purse.

"O my god," Courtney says," I can't believe this."

I look at her,"believe what?"

"That bracelet is so cute," she says

I put it on my wrist. still thinking about that note. So many questions that need answers. Just like usual. Who is James and Webby does that name make me feel so weird?

I look at her straight in the eyes forgetting that I was mad at her,"thanks, I think Erick's friend got it for me."

Hey guys it's me again!.... I know existing right? *rolls eyes at self*. Well I just wanted to say thank you for reading. Please vote and comment. It really makes my day. :). I'll be posting soon. Till then..... bye for now♡♡♡

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