Chapter 9

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"Why should I trust you? I just met you? I think. We never really cleared that up did we?" I say.

James  looks at me and smiles his cute....but stupid smile.

"Ill clear that up later," James says," Courtney is one of the main people behind this. She is perfectly fine."

"Yeah what is this...exactly?" I say gesturing to everything around me.

"Look can I just explain everything once we escape, please?"

I for some reason  I trust him and I know it is a bad idea but this is the only way I know how to get us off of this freaking ship!! So I'm going to do it! I need to protect my family. The only people that I have left. I wasn't able to protect Layla and the baby. I can't let someone else I care about vanish from my life.

"Fine," I say,"what do you want me to do?"

"That depends.."

"Depends on what?"

I stare him down and through the darkness of the room I can see that he has one of those evil smiles on his face again.

I start to get that gut wrenching feeling like I know him from somewhere once again. I clearly have met him because he knows my whole family and he said it had only been three years since I saw him last. Maybe when it was bring your daughter(s)\son(s) to work day I might have met him there... This is going to bother me for the rest of my life.....Ughhh!!!

"It's pretty hard core. I don't think you can handle this. Your just a snobby rich I right or am I wrong princess?"

Who does he think he is?! He doesn't know me! He might have met me once or twice but it's not like he knows me personally!....The war has began!

"O sweetie , I might be some snobby rich girl but I have more balls than you will ever have. Plus don't call me princess!"

Right when I said that Erick's face looked shocked. He was my substitute parent all those years so it was a little awkward saying that in front of him.

Once Hook gets done laughing he finally speaks,"Maybe you are stronger than I thought you were. I still don't think you can pull this off though."

I put my face up right next to the cell door,"!! I can handle anything you throw at me!"

"Good I'm glad you said yes because it involves you lying all night.Can you do that princess?"

I smile'"I've been doing that every day of my life."

"Your going to need to go back with Steph and um...what did you call him earlier?"

"Bozo," I replied.

"That suits him. Well you need to go see bozo and convince him to let you go to sleep early. Tell him that cut on your forehead got worse."

"How did you know..?" My voice trailed off once I touched my forehead. There was a bunch of dried blood on it. Keep calm Alice. It's just blood.

He has a concerned look on his face. Like he actually might, dare  I say this... Care?

"Um anyways, just sneak out around 3 in the morning and come down here. Grab the keys on the hook by the door and unlock the cells."

"Okay. Got it."

That's a really stupid place to keep keys. Also, really this ship has no gaurds? Didn't Kyle say that he murdered a bunch of people is something? Well, no wonder these people are failing at life.

I start to leave the room when I'm stopped by his voice. "Make sure you take care if your head. We wouldn't want you to lose your memory and forget me again."

Wait, memory? What happened to me before. Just then it hit me. I know where I know him from. All of those dreams I have been having lately. Does that mean that aren't dreams, they are memories? Is that even possible?

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