Chapter 27

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"What do you mean surprise?!?!" Erick says. He takes a couple of steps towards James.

Courtney looks at me with a huge smile on her face,"why didn't you tell me? I knew something was going on!"

I look over at James who take my hand in his. I turn towards Erick and I speak,"I don't know what to say. " yes, James and I are dating but-,"

He never takes his eyes of of James,"your dating my sister?!?! No, this is not going to happen!"

He is practically shaking with anger. His face is a disturbing kind of red. James trys to speak but Erick cuts him off "Erick, please and try to understand tha-"

"No! I really don't want to hear it, and especially not from you!"

Courtney looks from James and me to Erick. She looks at me one again before slapping James in the face.

I gasp," Courtney!"

She doesn't say anything.

I turn towards James," Alice, im fine." He says.

I  look at the side of his face. There is a small scratch that is bleeding. "No you're not. Your bleeding."

Erick walks away without saying anything. Leaving Courtney staring at us.

"I'm so sorry James! If I didn't do it than he would."

"I know Courtney."  James says.

"He will calm down. Also, in my opinion I think you two make an excellent couple."

My voice breaks in the middle of my sentince," thanks Courtney least someone understands"

" yeah, I get it, and so will he after I go hit him in the head a couple of times!" Courtney says.

She turns to leave but then stops and looks at James,"take care of my sister or I will do it again."

James looks a little surprised at her but then she speaks again,"I have always wanted to say that! Also, I'm already planning your wedding." She leaves without saying another word.

What she said  makes me smile, but then I remember everything that just happened and my face immediately falls. I drop to the ground.

"Are you okay Alice?"he asks me as he sits right next to me.

I can barely mutter out any words but i surprisingly did,"Yeah, im fine."

"Don't lie to me."

I sigh," I'm falling apart. This is such a stupid thing to get upset about! Im so sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry. Courtney only did that  because she had to. Also, we just need to give Erick time. How do you think I reacted when Megan got engaged?"

"Knowing you, I'd say completely calm and relaxed." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah I was completely calm. That is until I punched him in the face."

The thought of Jame's reaction made me laugh. Even though I have never met Logan I can't imagine how terrified that guy would be to tell James that he was taking his sister away.

." Do you want to forget about tonight and just go home?" He asks.

"No, I'm not going to let what he said bother me. Not tonight. Besides, Courtney is really good at talking to people, abs hitting people in the head. Trust me when I say this, I know. " I say.

He stands up and reaches his arm out towards me,"come on."

I take his hand and he pulls me into another kiss. I wipe away the drop off blood on the side of his face. "I'm never going to get tired of doing that."he says

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