Chapter 25

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When I woke up I was in a strange place, but I still somehow knew exactly where I was. Last night I remember faliing asleep and then being carried. Yes, I was awake. and I still let him carry me....barely. I was so tired from answering questions and so tired from everything that had happened,and I just couldn't handle it. Who would have thought that I would be in that horrible place.

I woke up screaming about three times. Every single time it was because of the nightmares I had. The weird thing was it wasn't of what happened earlier. It was of me being trapped in a box that was filled with water. I'm not scared of drowning or closed spaces, but what hapend next freaked me out. Instead of the box filling with water and me drowning the water would fill up to the top and right when it went over my head I would be out of the box perfectly fine. Then, when I looked up it would be James in the box. Everytime I tried to run towrds the box and break it the box would get farther away, but it would still be close enough to see what was happening.

The next dream was the same as that one but the third one was different. In the third one instead of starting out in the box I was outside of it and james was in the box. I couldnt help him. I ran up to the box and tried everything to break it,but it didn't seem to break. After the box filled up I woke up crying my eyes out. James ended up staying with me the whole night right by my side. I felt really bad because every time I woke him up with my screaming. He looked so tired.

I really dont want to wake him up again. I turn over and he is already gone. What time is it? I know that at six he has to go work with Megan and Erick to do some business thing. That means im alone....again. Well im not really upset about that. I never really get time to myself since I have been here.

I get up and look at the clock crap....its already  nine fifty-seven. I need to go meet Jenny at ten in the kitchen. Nobody told me any different so im still going. Ill just pretend nothing out of the ordinary happened.


After I stoped at my room and changed my clothes I went to the kitchen expecting to get yelled at for being like 20 minuets late. Yeah...I take a very long time to get changed. I was surprised to find that there was no loud noises or any yelling. I walked in and all eyes were on me. Crap. Everyone knows dont they.

I walk past everyone. They all go back to work when I pass them.When I finally get to where  Jenny is standing. She is the only person that is still staring at me. Without saying a word she wraps her arms around me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah,im fine. Does everyone know." I ask.

She looks me straight in the eyes and speaks," do you want the real version or the version you want to hear?"

I sigh and speak again," the real version."

"Its all that anybody talks about anymore.", before I could say anything else she beats me to it. "So you and the that a thing now?"

I look around the room to make sure nobody is listening"does everyone know about that to?"

"No just me. Im really smart and I figure stuff out easily." she says.

I laugh at the modesty in her voice,"yeah okay."

"But seriously, just be careful who you tell. People gossip. They might think you are getting special treatment and that would be bad for both of you. "

"Your talking about that group of girls that always hangs around him aren't you?"

"Looks who is being smart now" she says while tapping the top of her head. Just then a pot of watter boils over. She turns her head " that better not be the second time that happened!" She turns to look at me and mouths sorry. She marches off and yells once again " Im working with morons!"

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