act like you love me - joshua bassett

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genre: hurt
warnings: none
plot: josh is being distant and your relationship is on the line (yikes)

genre: hurtwarnings: none plot: josh is being distant and your relationship is on the line (yikes)★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★

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Y/n POV:

joshua has been away for a while, shooting hsmtmts.
i missed him tons and was extremely happy that he was coming home today.
     joshua is an amazing person but i think his feelings towards me are slowly drifting away. i have a feeling that him and olivia have something more than a friendship going on. josh has been distant recently, but i didn't mind.
   i'm trying my best to convince myself that he and olivia are just friends. but it's getting harder and harder to think that every time i see them together.


i went to pick up joshua from the airport and when i got there i saw him and olivia. he didn't see me, but they were hugging. "that's normal." i kept on telling myself. i watched them again. i almost lost it when i saw him staring at her lips. they slightly leaned in. lips not even centimeters away.  he quickly jerked his head away and told her goodbye. i turned around so he wouldn't see me. i took out my phone and dialed his number acting like i didn't know where he was. "hey josh! i'm here! i can't seem to find you, where are you?"  i heard him chuckle through the phone "you might wanna turn around"
   i turned around and saw him. his face lit up. i smiled wide. my gleam was half fake.
i ended the call and jumped into his arms. he returned the favor and picked me up, holding me tight. i was content with this moment.


we listened to music and sang along while i drove him home.
  when we got home he went to the guest room and locked the door. i was confused but i decided to tidy up around the house. hours passed and josh was still in the room and all i heard was his laughter. so i decided to knock.
   "josh?"  i asked knocking. "coming!"
i heard footsteps and the door unlock. "what's up?" he asked innocently. "you've been talking on the phone for hours." i responded with a confused laugh.
"oh- i'm sorry i didn't realize the time"
"clearly." i responded in a duhh tone. "so who were you talking to?" i asked "oh uhh just olivia"
my face dropped. "josh, i don't mean to be clingy or rude, but you haven't talked to me since we got home. you haven't said anything about your flight or your trip, like you always do. and the truth is, i saw you and olivia at the airport. i knew what was about to happen." "y-you saw that?? it-it didn't mean anything! i swear"
"that's what i tried to tell myself at first, but then when you got home you came here and locked the door and talked to her for HOURS ON END!"
my eyes were watery, a tear threatening to fall.
"i didn't mean for it to come off that way. you know i'm always trying to make you happy" joshua said worried that our relationship was on the line "do you want this relationship as much as i do?" i asked genuinely
"yes" he responded while crying. "i can't tell whether you're telling me lies or not." i said- crying too. "i need some time alone to figure this out. the least you can do now is act like you love me."
he let out a breath of sorrow and it broke me to see him hurt. i walked away hearing nothing but his muffled sobs.

to be continued

a/n- so sorry i haven't posted in a while. i've had much schoolwork and studying to do. hope you enjoyed this chapter

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