the kissing scene - ricky bowen

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genre: fluff
warnings: kissing/ mushy lol
plot: you find out you and ricky have mutual feelings for each other after being assigned to kiss at rehearsals

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y/n pov:

friday || 2:59 pm
the blaring sound of the school bell knocked me out of my daze.
i shook my head and blinked out of my trance,  picking up my backpack. i looked at the time and saw that it was the end of the day. i sighed in relief heading over to my locker. i turned the knob, putting  in my combination. i shoved my books inside and closed the door. 
    to my surprise, a boy was standing there. "hey!" said the voice i knew so terribly well. "hi ricky. what's up?" i asked, trying not to gush over the fact that my crush met me at my locker; it seemed like something out of a movie- a moment i had imagined many times before. "nothing. just wanted to walk the leading lady to her favorite after school period." ricky has always been kind to me. he was the one who helped me study my lines for the gabriella role. and i had convinced him to try out for something, since he knew some of the lines of characters and the songs so well. what i didn't expect, was that he would be trying out for troy. "well the leading man should walk more and talk less if he wants to be on time to his favorite after school period." i replied
"ha ha. very clever" ricky said while holding the door open for me. once we got there, everyone was sitting around, visiting with friends, and practicing some lines. we were all waiting for miss jenn.
she finally arrived and yelled "okay theatre people!! i need you all arranged according to your roles! let's do troy, gabriella, chad, and taylor!! you get the idea. line up!! let's go!"
i stood next to ricky as instructed. beside us were ej and nini. "okay join hands with your neighbor as we say a small prayer."
i looked over at ricky hesitantly, but all he did was smile, shrug his shoulders, and he gently held my hand. my hand fit perfectly in his. miss jenn said a few words and told us that we could let go. i let go of ej's hand, but ricky kept mine in his. he gripped it tighter and sat down next to me. i shot him a questioning look but he just looked down at me and smiled.
time passed, and miss jenn announced that we would be rehearsing the kissing scene. oh my god. i'm not ready for this. what if i mess things up between us. but he kept on holding my hand so what does that mean. he probably didn't know we were allowed to let go. ahh
"y/n, you okay?" ricky asked worriedly. "y-yeah i'm fine." i replied "just relax. it's not gonna be that bad" ricky calmed me down assuringly. we made our way to center stage and started on miss jenn's cue.
"but troy-". "gabriella, it doesn't matter. all that matters is us."
he caressed my face with his soft hand. he looked into my eyes. he leaned in. our lips not even inches apart. his eyes looking deep into mine, searching for an answer to the question he implied. he didn't ask but i knew what he was wondering. to assure him that it was okay, i connected the gap between our lips. the kiss was pure. i could feel chills spread throughout my body. i wanted this to last forever. this wasn't any fake fling that we had to act out for a show. this was real. and we knew it. we could feel it.

i pulled away and stared into his eyes. i backed out of his grasp. everyone stood there clapping and cheering. "bravo! brava! that felt so real! great work you two! okay guys let's pack it up. head home! stay safe and rest your voices!" miss jenn announced as her voice echoed through the theatre. "really good work you guys! keep it up!" carlos said shooting us a thumbs up. i smiled and thanked him and walked away from the stage, leaving ricky there. i didn't want to talk about what just happened. was it only me who felt this way? i grabbed my backpack and took off.
once i was outside, i could hear him calling after me. "hey! y/n! wait up!" he called, finally catching up to me. " what was that?" i asked getting straight to the point. "am i the only one who thinks it felt real? and is it bad to admit that i've had feelings for you since the sixth grade?" ricky asked causing me to stop abruptly. "you what-?" i said completely shocked "listen i'm not expecting you to like me back, but it's been pretty hard liking someone for like five years-" i had nothing to say, so i hugged him. causing him to stop talking. he held me and we stayed that way in comfortable silence. "i'm the slightest bit confused" ricky commented as i pulled away.
i gave him a small peck on the lips. "so this means you like me back right?"
"ugh- bowen." i groaned, starting to walk off again. he chuckled "i'm kidding- i'm kidding." he laughed catching up with me again. "soo.." ricky said while taking my hand in his. "you free tomorrow?"

💗the end💗

a/n: thank you for 3k reads!! i've been busy with school, but i'm trying to publish more often! thank you again!! love you and hope you enjoyed!

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