Part 3 - Christmas cupcakes

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Dannii/ I'm meeting Jackie at the Cake Shop, only two days till Christmas Eve. The last orders need to be ready at 5:15 pm. She had to go get some Christmas shopping done and be right over. That was over one hour ago.

It's like, since I'm staying with her, I see her less. How is that even possible? Maybe it's just the holiday stress talking. I don't know.

'Ding ding' I hear the little bell as the door opens, no need to look up. I locked the door and Jackie is the only one who has the other key. I immediately start telling her off. I love her, but sometimes I need to tell her she's walking a dangerous line.

"Damn Jackie, we only have six more hours to get these orders out. Why did you choose today to leave me hanging." She doesn't answer, she knows I'm right. "On top of that, the machine felt like acting up again. There's batter all over the place." I start laughing, no longer angry, as I point at the ceiling, the countertop and then turn around and point at my hair and face.

"Benjamin!" I shriek. "I thought you were, Jackie." Knocking over a jar of jam. "Shit!"

Fuck, I look like crap!

"George has a fever so she asked me to come and help." He throws his jacket on a chair and scrunches up the sleeves of his black sweater.

"You know how to make Christmas cakes?" I frown.

"Nope. Do you?" He pulls a bit of batter out of my hair as he walks around me. "I'm no expert but, isn't this..." He holds it up. "...supposed to go in there?" pointing at the oven. He chuckles.

"You're right. But I like it better up here." I grab the paste from his hand and smash it back on my hair. "Now, enough talking, get to work!"

The next five hours we bake and frost. Christmas trees and Santa Clauses emerge everywhere.

"Like this?" He asks, showing me a cupcake with a giant dick, drawn on top.

"I'm sure Miss Knight, our old biology teacher, will love that one." I smirk.

"Oh, that reminds me, remember Josh Maccassio?" Talking about our old biology teacher makes me think of Josh, a kid in our school.

"Yeah, I remember him." Ben looks at me with a questionable frown. I'm not sure why.

"I saw him the other day. I was having a night out with Jackie. We were getting a little drunk..." I pause. "Should I be telling you this, about your sister being drunk?"

"I'm sure I'll survive, assuming this story doesn't involve any sexual content!"

"Uh, no, nothing like that." I slap him on the arm.

"So, we were a bit drunk. Talking about how Cole and I are so in love. And how I always knew he was the one for me. Ever since we were kids, playing that game at Josh's birthday party, 7 minutes of heaven. Well you know the game, you were there too, right." I look at him. Ben nods agreeingly but his mood is turning. Looking very stern at the cupcake before him.

"I told him that, when Cole kissed me, during the game, it was so magical, soft, arousing maybe. What did I know right, I was 14! Anyway, these past 4 years weren't like that. His kisses, or even his touch weren't the same." I put away a few cakes and continue my story.

"I know it was a kids game that occurred a long time ago, but still. Because we were all blindfolded, I never actually saw Cole stepping in the closet with me. So I was curious." I stare into the empty sitting area of my shop.

"Who was my mysterious kisser?"

Ben/ I don't want to talk about that little shitface Josh, he's a backstabbing liar.

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