Part 12 - Benjamin

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*Mature Content*

After breakfast I go to the kitchen to get the dishes done. I feel heaten after being under Ben's gaze all morning, so I take off my sweater. Luckily I'm wearing a loose T-shirt underneath. I pull my hair into a bun and get to it. After filling the dishwasher, I start with the pots, pans and sharp objects.

Ben startles me by swinging the kitchen door wide open. Making me drop a knife on the floor, missing my foot by an inch.

"Damn, Benjamin! You almost cost me my toes!" I curse.

"I wasn't a wear I had that effect on you, Peeterson!" He chuckles, bending down to grab the knife as the door slams shut.

"Let's do this together, you're bound to have less accidents if you don't do this alone." Sky blue eyes piercing in to mine with amusement.

I splash some water in his face. "A knife almost separated my toes from my foot. That, is on you Benjamin!"

"I hate it, when you call me Benjamin!" He mumbles as he steps in behind me, pressing my body against the sink. "I'm going to have to punish you, every time you say it. Until you call me Ben, like everyone else." He whispers in my neck, while pinning my hands on the countertop. He ducks his hand in the water and splatters me back.

I squeal, but laugh instantly.

"Oh really, Benjamin?" I dare him, still laughing.

"You're not going to be laughing for long, if you keep this up!" He warns while his left hand travels up my spine, into my neck, untying my hair and grabbing it by the roots. Pulling my head aside as he slowly bends down. "Ben!" He orders, feeling his warm breath before his lips touch down, nibbling the skin below my ear.

You can punish me forever if you keep doing it like that!

He growls before digging his teeth into me, firmly.

Auwch, That was ... painful, but so fucking sensual. Give me more!

"Benjamin!" I fight back but it comes out more as a plea.

Another primitieve growl, forms in his throat, as I feel his teeth scraping their way to my shoulder. I smile, because I know what's coming. He bites and this time it's going to leave a mark, I'm sure he went through my skin a bit. The moment he bites I feel his length harden against my ass.

I guess I'm not the only one who's turned on by this little game he's playing.

"Try that again!" Another demand.

"Ben..." he halts his assault, leaving his lips on my shoulder. "...jamin." I giggle, I don't want him to stop just yet. I feel his lips change into a smile against my bare skin.

"Are you sure, you wanna call me that?" Two hands slide to my stomach, unbuttoning my jeans. For a brief moment I panic. What is he doing, I'm in my mom's kitchen. There are eight people in the next room. Somehow, my curiosity wins from the fear of getting caught. I don't want him to stop, I'm to intrigued.

"Yes, Benjamin!" I take a deep breath and try to enjoy whatever he's got planned next.

"Don't say... I didn't warn you!" His raspy voice brings me to a whole other universe as his hand slides down my pants and into my panties.

His fingers play with my sensitive spot for a while, teasing me, hardly feeling them on me. Making me want more, my heart pounds like crazy. I've never been touched like that before.

When Ben slides his fingers further down, so soft and gentle as he slowly enters me. I gasp for air, resting my head on his shoulder. God he's good at this. He stops halfway, not going in completely, massaging my G-spot? How did he find it so quickly? A moan slips my lips.

"Well, you do know how to make a guy feel welkom!" He whispers surprisingly. He must be referring to him entering me? "Look at me, I want to see you!"

The blue in his eyes, has turned into a darker stormy shade. His lips smiling a very cocky smile, obviously pleased with how I respond on his touch. I wanna protest, but I'm like pudding in his arms.

His free hand tickles me as it disappears underneath my T-shirt crawling up to my push-up bra, which doesn't give him a good feel of my breast, like he had hoped.

"Fuck!" He mumbles frustrated, looking at the kitchen door and then straight back to me. Scanning my face. Does he have time to take off my bra? I don't mind that he can't feel me up, he's doing such a good job down there already. He decides to lay his hand around the cup and caresses the skin above it. One finger sneaking in, pleasing my nipple.

I push my ass backwards, onto him, to get his attention back to my vagina. He picks up on my hint and with that the speed, rubbing me exactly where I want him to. Where I need him to. It's like he can read my mind. "You're so close." His breathing gets heavier, his mouth pressing against my ear. He's right I'm almost there, I feel the burn inside my thighs already, my legs tensing. I grab ahold of the countertop to get ready.

"Say my name."

Uhm what? Now?

What should I do? Do I say Ben, like he wants me to or do I say Benjamin, because I like how it roles off my tongue.

"Ben." I look at him, not knowing if I made the right call. His eyes soften in surprise, his eyebrows going up, then a little twitch on his lips appears, as he nods his head. Shit, how could that be the wrong answer? All the action in my panties have come to an abrupt ending. Still inside me he's holding his position.

Dear God, please let him move his fingers just an inch, so I can blissfully come. I'm right there!

"Benjamin!" He bobs his head once. "Don't ever call me Ben again!" He ends his demand by applying some light pressure with his fingers on my G-spot again. Just like that nothing more is needed for me to surrender.

No more Ben, got it!

"Benjamin" I whisper-moan confused, with that a shock wave of ultimate pleasure warms my body from the core. Our eyes never letting go as he's holding his fingers on spot, massaging me, for as long as I need to ride out my thrill.

🔥It's getting hot in here right🔥.

Benjamin it is then, no more Ben 🥰. Why did he hate it so much, though?

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