Part 11 - Warm bodies

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Dannii/I'm woken by a warm morning sunbeam on my face. Before I open my eyes I notice Bens arms are wrapped around me. His hands feel warm against my skin. Did my T-shirt crawl up by itself again or did he slide it up before I woke? I don't really care, all my senses are triggered with every sweep of his fingertips, circling on my lower back. He's still here, he didn't ran off to wherever he goes as he disappears in the morning. That thought makes me smile.

Somehow throughout the night I shifted, from spooning next to him, to laying halfway on top, my upper body sprawled out over his. His heart is quietly beating underneath my ear, his breathing calmly beneath my chest, it's soothing. I take in a deep breath and catch his scent.

Mmm, Lemon and mint.

We stay like this for a few more minutes. Neither of us want this to end.

"I should go." He breaks the peaceful silence between us first. "I don't know how we would explain, if Charlotte..." he sighs as he slowly combs my hair with his fingers. "I wish we didn't have to explain anything."

"Me too!" I admit. "We aren't doing anything wrong right? Just two warm bodies holding on to each other." I smile shyly at him as we both sit up.

I can't resist him when he looks like this. His blue eyes gazing at me. Blond strings all perfectly messy falling down around his sleepy face. Only his black Calvin Klein boxers on, revealing his sharp V-line, his body is godly. Like a Roman sculpture, every muscle accentuated exactly where it's supposed to.

"Two warm bodies!" He agrees as he cups my cheek, before giving me a soft kiss on my forehead.

When I get up to take a shower, he pulls me back, making me lay on top of him once more, his arms are dominantly holding me in a tight hug. I chuckle as he sniffles into my hair, I can feel him smiling against my head.

"Ok, now you can go." Fully content, he frees me.

As I gather my clothes, he jumps out of bed and puts on his. Walking in to my little bathroom I look at my happy self in the mirror, when a thought hits me. "You know you could climb down and just go inside through the fr..." I return to my room to tell him, he could have breakfast with us if he wants. But he's already gone, through the window, letting a breathe of fresh air in the room.

"Right..." he doesn't do the whole people thing.

Downstairs the guest are already seated for breakfast. "Hey, you look jolly this morning." Charlotte urges me to sit next to her. She refers to my blue jeans, and a wollen Christmas sweater, I'm sure. As I sit down my brother walks in to the dining room. "Look who I found wandering the parking lot." He smiles as he pats Ben on the shoulder.

"Ben, how nice of you to come, it's been ages!" My mom squeals as she pulls him in for a hug. She's big on hugs, my mom. There is no escape really.

I practically spit the water I just drank, all over the table as I'm surprised to see him in our dining room.

"Dannii!" My mother yells as she loosens up the tight grip she's holding Ben in. "Where are your manners! You'll be doing the dishes after breakfast!"

My eyes snap at my mom, then to my brother and finally they narrow in on Bens humorously gaze. Which give my cheeks a blush by the way. I divert my eyes immediately to my plate and nod at my mother's order.

Damn, 2 days at home and I'm already doing extra chores. I've been slaving around in the kitchen all day, yesterday, with my sister and looks like I'll be spending my morning there as well.

Nick and Ben say there hello's to all the guests and the rest of my family. Nick gives Charlotte a kiss and me a punch to the arm. I don't satisfy him with a reaction but he's gonna get his later on. Than he moves on to the other side and squeezes Jackie's shoulder and goes to sit down next to her, leaving only one place for Ben to sit at, opposite of me. Ben follows in Nick's steps only in an other order. His sister gets a kiss on the forehead, Charlotte a peck on the cheeks.

Then he walks over to me and my body reacts immediately. My heart is pounding so loud I'm afraid, everybody at this table can hear it. I don't think I can breathe anymore, did the room go without oxygen? I want to look at my sister to find out if she has no air as well, but I can't seem to get my eyes to move from Ben's focus.

Stop staring, people will know!

He bends over to me and I feel my cheeks heaten, giving them a darker shade of red, only by the feel of his breath on my neck.

"You always know how to make a guy feel welkom, Peerterson!" He softly whispers in to my ear. Before messing up my hair by rubbing his knuckles on my head.

"Benjamin!" I yell, only to find myself laughing at his foolishness, when I try to fix my hair.

"Dannii thats enough!" My mother sternly says. Leaving me speechless.

How was that my fault?

I look at Benjamin in disbelief and all he can do is smirk at me as he sits down.

Although the morning had a bumpy start, it turned out lovely. We ate way to much, we laughed, we talked. Well Jackie and my sister did a lot of talking actually. Even Ben captivated the interest of the whole table for a while. How can he not be a people person, people love him! His attention was divided between everybody at this table, still I had the feeling he was only directing his voice to me. When he didn't speak his eyes burned on my skin.

Are Ben and Dannii, really only, two warm bodies holding on to each other... 🥵?

Did Ben accidentally bump into Nick in the parking lot? Maybe he wants to be a people person after all🤔?

Vote, vote, vote 😬.

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