Part 27 - Wedding jitters

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Dannii/ Pastel colors coat the walls and floor of 'The Wedding Shop'. Shaking off some powdered snow from my coat,  I look around. Pink roses everywhere, last week there were still Christmas decorations. Lavender scented candles calm me down as I breathe it all in deeply.

Ever since Ben left for Europe, two weeks ago, I've been on edge. I love the Rivers brothers, both in their own way. I can honestly admit that to myself. But I made up my mind. I told him I'm going to marry Cole. It makes perfect sense. Ben hasn't proven he's reliable. Sure, his heart was broken, but still I can't give up everything I build now can I? Cole and I have been together for so long, an affair can't stand in the way of our happiness.

The wedding is in one week and almost everything has been arranged. Last week I decided on my dress. After trying on a few hundred gowns and giving Sara and Lena Clifford a run for their money, I finally chose te perfect one and today I'm going in for the last fitting.

"Hi there, Welcome back to The Wedding Shop, Dannii. Your dress is all ready and waiting for you in the fitting area." Sara's squeaky voice caries through the shop as she runs out from the back of the shop to greet me eagerly. Her dark brown bob-cut perfect in line with the slim fit checkered dress and black Vans shoes.

"Sara, looking fashionable as always!" I smile.

When she pulls me into a tight hug, I notice her twin sister Lena is standing behind the big white counter, next to the wall to wall window. 'The Wedding Shop' painted in Pink letters all over the front side. She smiles shyly as her sister let's go of me and then walks around to say hello.

All black, makeup, attire, and lip piercing, the tall blond beauty doesn't fit the profile of a wedding shop owner. Yet she totally does at the same time, bumping her fist with my maid of honor Jackie, before leading us to the back for our fitting. You just know these girls will go the extra length to make a wedding day feel, Extra.

The fitting area is at the back of the store. A huge white room with on the right side a big dressingroom for the bride. On the left there are three smaller ones all with floor to ceiling pink velvet curtains.

In the middle of the room there is a little stage for the bride to stand on. That way she can be displayed in front of an old family mirror, wrapped in gold. A beautiful picture framed bride as it were.

"So Jackie, your dress is in there!" Sara points to a dressingroom on the left.

I hear my mom and Charlotte walking in as they are debating on which dress I'll be wearing. My mom thinks it's a white Cinderella dress, yet Charlotte is going for a white jumpsuit, because it's winter and pants are easier.

They are both wrong! I smirk as my mom grabs me to give me a hug, planting two kisses on my right cheek.

Always two kisses.

"Ah, Charlotte your dress is in here." Charlotte swiftly pecks me on the cheek before following Sara to the middle booth.

When Nick walks in with George on his arm I remember, Jackie asked him to get her son from daycare. For once he came early.

Great, Nick. Jackie still has to be fitted!

On cue Jackie steps out of the dressing room, in a beautiful white skin tight dress, down to the knee. Low cut V-neck sitting in between her beautiful round breasts and spaghetti straps to hold the whole thing up.

I - New End: Danielle ✔️Where stories live. Discover now