Part 35 - Seize the day

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Dannii/ The snowy mountains still look gorgeous. Even though it's April and snow season is almost over here in New End, it keeps on sticking to the mountains. The lake is still frozen, so I decide I'll go skating one more time. After saying high to my mom and sister off course. During my flee I called my mom every week. She was the only one I trusted enough to not try and bring me back. She never asked me once!

"Aaaaaah!" My sister screams when she runs outside to grab me. "You're back!"

"I am!" I laugh. "You can let go now."

"Not a chance. What if you run away again?" She chuckles, letting go as she hears my mom walking down the porch-stairs.

"Hi, mom?" She gives me a hug and two kisses on my right cheek. "I've missed you so much!"

"Glad to have you back, darling!" She smiles, the warm smile I've missed these past few months. "Now, I'll get lunch ready. You girls put on your skates and go have some fun on the lake. Afterwards we can all enjoy a nice warm meal and you can tell us all about your travels."

The air around the lake is freezing cold, but I don't mind. Stepping onto the ice I feel an energizing thrill shooting through my body. Can't believe I've missed out on two months of snow and ice season. My sister has a hard time keeping up with me as I shoot over the glistening lake like a spear. After getting all of the frustration from last night out off my system, I calm down, so we can talk and skate together.

Charlotte is asking a bunch of questions, but all I can think of is Ben. After he kissed me so passionately he abruptly stoped and told me once again to go home.

I blew it. He's never going to trust me again.

When I notice Charlotte is more interested in something behind me than my answers to her questions, I turn around. Two dark blue eyes are staring back at me.

Ben? What? Why?

I'm intrigued. But also dying a little, he looks pretty pissed! Again, why? He told me to go.

"I'll leave you two, to talk."

"No. Wait!" I whisper, but she's already skating to the edge of the lake, leaving me all by my lonesome.


Step by step he skates closer, making my heart beat the shit out of me. Trying not to faint, because the air refuses to reach my longs, I start to skate away from the object of my anxiety. First slowly, but then I really ride those blades. Like I'm running for my life fast. Or riding for my life? Who cares, I'm out of here!

"Stop skating away from me, Danielle! You know I'll catch you anytime!"

Feeling a little dominant are we?

I forgot he used to practice with Nick for Hockey training so he's skating next to me in no time.

"Why did you leave!" Again demanding.

"You told me to go home!" I don't look at him, but we skate a little slower now.

"I mean before... like two months before." a little less dominant now.

"Oh, right. I..." he cuts me off by skating in front of me. Stopping me in my track, I bump into his solid chest.

"Wait!" His eyes pierce into mine. "Tell me why you came to New York first!"

I take a step back. I'll need a little space between us for this one, if I want to tell him the whole truth. Like the lyrics of a great love song, words flow out of my mouth as soon as I open it. When I'm done telling him I wanted to see him, that I wanted to be with him, feel him. He studies my face, pushing his brows together.

I - New End: Danielle ✔️Where stories live. Discover now