Part 33 - Raindrops and tears

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* Two month's later *

Dannii/ The sky turns 50 shades of dark on me. Literally, clouds are stacking up, I hope Ben's home, cause otherwise I'll be soaking wet within 15 minutes.

Reaching the apartment building, I hesitate for a second. I hope he's in a good mood and happy to see me!

Before I can grab the lobby-door, it swings open.

I'm frozen in place as a beautiful goddess walks out, long brown curls, a red skintight dress and killer smile. Ben is right behind her, laughing and a bit too touchy-feely for my taste.

It got pretty warm today, sticky even. Thunder is now roaring on the other side of town, but it's feels like lightning strikes me to the core.

Fuck, I can't hide anywhere!

"Danielle!" Shock is coated all over his face. The arm that was holding the brunette in place releases its grasp on cue. Making her a bit unsteady on the high stilettos she's wearing.

"Benjamin!" I can't say much more. I barged in on a very nice date it seems. He didn't expect me at all. How could he, I didn't call to let him know I was in town.

"What, how, when, ..." I'm sure he could go on for a while saying anything but words instead of full sentences.

God, he looks so sexy!

His hair has grown a little longer. Long enough to be pulled in to a manbun, which he wears so well. The light blue of his sweater, bringing out his coral blue eyes. His jeans is hanging loosely around his hips. I have to make sure I don't drool all over him, we have an audience!

"I was in town..." I shyly look down, examining his extremely interesting shiny white sneakers. "I didn't mean to interrupt you on your date." I point at the girl who's seem amused by Ben's sudden stammer.

This is embarrassing!

"What are you doing here?" He snaps, stepping forward. Blocking my stare at the bombshell, beside him.

"I wanted to see you, hopefully talk?" I get back to the point. Why does this feel so damn awkward.

"Then talk!" He raises his brows to make me hurry up.

"I'm ... I left..., I needed time to think." He flexes his jaw. He looks so angry. He has every right to be. I ran away without any warning!

"For two months?"

"I had a lot to think about." I whisper.

"Two months, Peeterson! Two fucking months." He grids between his teeth.

"I can explain..." I chock on my words. I am not crying! I'm not!

A cold drop splatters on my nose as the first drop of rain starts to exit the heavy cloud above us.

"Go home, Peeterson!" He shakes his head, grabs the brunettes hand and pulls her past me. Leaving me in a sob of raindrops and tears.

It's pouring by the time I reach te subway. Left with my thoughts I'm internally kicking myself, while I take a seat.

I - New End: Danielle ✔️Where stories live. Discover now