Part 28 - Unbearable

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Ben/A hard punch in the gut, pushes me away from my opponent. The Korean guy is smaller than me, he's smart, awaiting the right window to strike. To be honest I'm letting him beat me.

Ever since I left New End, when I left Dannii, I've been on edge. My skin feels odd without her touch. God I love her so much, being away from her, miles and miles apart, is unbearable. I can't believe I didn't fight for her. I just pushed her back into the arms of my brother. In a few days she's getting married. The thought of her saying 'I do' to the wrong guy, breaks my heart. Knowing he will be holding her for the rest of her life, I die inside.

Another uppercut and I'm down on the floor. My ears are ringing out and I feel like someone ran a train over my body. I hear the referee counting. I could get up, but what's the point.

My wounds are pulling at me, I feel my heartbeat knocking inside the deep cuts. It didn't even take her off of my mind, this time. I should've gotten up and taken some more hits.

"Ben, you need to pick up your game man. We are losing big money here!" Mike, my coach try's to reason with me, while a doctor looks at my wounds in a makeshift dressingroom.

"I know." I nod, just to get him off of my back.

When my phone rings, Mike takes the call.

"Ben's phone, Mike speaking." I chuckle, he sounds so professional. Yet looks the total opposite in his black adidas sweats, wearing a towel around his neck and his dreads peaking out from underneath his blue hat.

"It's, Nick? He says it's very urgent." I shrug it off. I've been ignoring his calls all week, he can wait a few more days.

"I'm sorry sir, he can't come to the phone right n..." Mike starts. "Oh..., right!" he looks at me, with a serious face as he hands me the phone.

"What?" I snap, bringing the phone to my ear.

When Nick informs me about what happened, to my brother, I'm in a total state of shock. I know we had our differences, but now we can never disagree again. I literally feel my heart cracking. Numb to the world, I can't seem to move. It's only when he tells me Dannii is in a really bad place right now, I immediately stand to my feet. Pushing the doctor away. I grab my clothes and start walking out.

"He man, what happened!" Mike yells after me.

"My brother... he died." Saying the words, they feel strange coming out of my mouth. "I need to get back."

For HER!

The window seat in the plane feels hard to my muscles. My entire body aches with every movement I make. As the engine roars, the speed picks up, I see the ground pulling away.

Lift off, Finally!

It took me over 24 hours to get a ticket to New York. I slept at the airport just in case a seat was available. I've already lost a few days because I was too busy being a jerk to Nick, ignoring his calls. So stupid. I hope I'll get home in time for the funeral.

These are going to be the longest 14 hours of my life, getting to New End. I scroll through the pictures of my phone as I play the call over in my head.

'She's broken, man. We can't seem to get through to her, maybe you can help!'

What does that even mean? We've had sex, I love her, definitely! But I have no clue if it's mutual. Why would it be, she is marrying Cole. Was marrying him. Why would I be the one, able to help her? I have no idea how Dannii is doing right now. It can't be good, I'm the last person Nick wants near his sister.

"Would you like a drink sir?" A beautiful flight attendant, flutters her eyelashes at me.

Only one? I'll need more than one to ease my nerves, woman.

"No thanks." I smile faintly. My jaw hurting from that last blow to the chin.

Just get me home as quickly as you can!

"Are you an MMA fighter?" The kid in the seat next to mine asks.

"Nope!" I chuckle as I look through the window. Hoping he'll leave me alone.

"Are you afraid of flying?" Another question.

"No." I look at him. "Do I look like I'm afraid?"

"Seriously?" Great he looks exited.

I nod. Might as well engage in a conversation with the little dude. Maybe it'll take the edge off.

"Yes, you look afraid."

"To be honest,...what's your name kid?"

"Noah." His brown eyes are full of enthusiasm, apparently he is making a friend.

"To be honest, Noah, I am. I'm afraid of how I'll find Dannii. I'm afraid of burying my brother. I'm afraid of all the memories of my father's funeral returning..." before I know it I'm talking my heart out to this kid, he can't be older than 11 years old. Telling him my whole life, with every question he asks. From my mother leaving, to meeting Dannii and her family, then my dad dying, losing Dannii to Cole and finally losing him.

I leave out the juicy parts with Dannii, the kid is way to young to be hearing about sex, just yet.

"You want my advice?" He looks hopeful.

"Sure, bring it on!" I smirk at his boldness.

"Dannii is special, right! You should buy her a candy ring and ask her to marry you. She needs a husband to give her a hug and you already love her, so..." He patiently awaits my answer.

"That's great advice, thanks buddy." If life was only as simple as the mind of an 11 year old. But I don't want to disappoint him, so I play along.

Content, he leans back in his seat and yawns. Giving advice must be exhausting, or at least my story was.

Somehow the kid did calm me down. Talking about my problems, my feelings, with a total stranger, who would have thought that would ever happen.

I start to doze off as the sun sets underneath the clouds.

A short one this time but definitely needed a Ben's point of view. 💔

Thank you for sticking around and reading my first book. 💗

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