Part 6 - Whispering like it's a secret

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Dannii/ Stay! I don't think I have a choice in the matter. He's not taking 'No' for an answer, because it wasn't a question!

His eyes are darker now than they were a few minutes ago.

I nod, crawling back to the spot I sat before and lay down next to him. Feeling a bit nervous now. Funny thing though. If he hadn't mentioned that it was time to get some sleep, I would've just fallen asleep in his arms. But now I'm all wind up. I turn my body away from him, facing the wall.

The room darkens, when the lights are turned off. Switching the mood from innocent and friendly to secretive and guilty. I'm not supposed to be here.

I hear the sheets ruffle as he scoots over. Wrapping his arm around me I stop breathing for a second. In one swift movement, he pulls me close. I hold in a giggle. I feel him, every part of him. Don't need those warm covers anymore. He's spreading enough heat on his own.

His minty breath on my neck, sends a fire through my veins and it's all going down to my core. I bite my tongue so I don't accidentally let a moan slip.

"Is this ok?" He suddenly asks.

Great now he asks!

"Mhm" I can't actually say the words out loud, is this ok?

Clearly not!

I like the way he's acting though. Dominant yet caring. So I humm undecided.

I hear him smirk as he nuzzles into my hair. His thumb carefully traces my rib case as his fingers caress me through my T-shirt. Like he's memorizing the number of ribs I have in my chest. One by one, over and over. With every swoop up, he vaguely touches the bottom of my breast. The tension building between my legs is inevitable. I Can't control my breathing anymore, it gets heavier with every sweep.

I try to hide how turned on I am, by pushing my head into the pillow. Maybe if I suffocate myself, I can stop having these dangerous thoughts.

"What's wrong?" He lifts himself up onto his elbow. Concerned when he notices my strange movement under his touch.

"Nothing?" It comes out more of a question than an answer.

"Tell me!" Another demand.

I turn to him, rolling on my back. I'm so glad it's dark in here. I'm already embarrassed, I don't want him to see me flustered too. No words come out.

"Please. Peeterson, tell me." He sighs in defeat. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to not laugh." I blurt out.

"I wo.."

I hold my fingers against his mouth and decide to leave them there for as long as I need to talk.

"You used to ridicule me. I don't want that to happen after or during the night."

"I nev..." He mumbles through my fingers. I press harder.

"Stop talking and listen! I like the way we interact lately. I don't want to ruin that either. I'm with Cole! And I've never cheated on him. I'm not sure how all of 'this', you, me, so close together, makes me feel." I let out the breath, I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you finished?" He presses his lips against my hand.

I giggle.

"No! I'm serious, I don't want 'this' to change the way you think of me!"

After a minute or so I carefully let go of his mouth. Not sure if I'll be able to handle whatever he wants to say back after my rant.

"I might have ... taunted you in the past. We were kids, life was a game back then, so I guess it came off all twisted, weird, wrong." He bites his bottom lip.

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