Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Theod was at a total loss of how to proceed, and the feeling was incredibly unsettling. They had just come from a battle-field. And knowing Troy, when they lost today's battle, they would retreat behind their walls, and lick their wounds. Before coming out again another day. That meant she would be living with him in a camp full of soldiers. Half of whom, tonight at least, would be full of a blood lust the battle had created and not fulfilled. They could and would try and fill that need any way they could.

He had a feeling this slip of a woman was going to cause him more problems than he ever could have imagined. But his conscience could not let him leave her alone and unprotected. Whatever the reason, the gods had twisted their lives together. At least for the moment, their fates were interlocked. They would just have to see what happens next.

Reaching out he took hold of her chin. He wanted to look into her eyes as he asked his questions. That way he would know if she told a lie. He was exquisitely good at telling who told him a half lie. Androc always joked no one on his ship got away with anything, so they did not even try to break a rule of their company.

But he supposed before anything else, there was something he had to find out, as it would not stop nagging at the back of his mind. "Elpis. Is this your true name, or one you were given when you became a slave to Apollo?" He would not remove her identity; he was not that inhumane, not yet at least.

"It was the name I was given at birth, master." The words were truth, the last word however seemed to have been spit out of her. He bit back a grin. She may know her position, but she did not accept it. While that spirit may have gotten her painful punishments within the temple, he would not hurt her. Though she did not need to know that, yet.

"Where are you from? How long have you served as a slave? What duties can you preform?" He knew straight from the look she gave him that she wanted to give him an unlady like reply, probably about how he should not be interested in her as a person. For wasn't she just a slave? He found himself holding back a smile again. This woman would be extremely interesting to have around. She may even take away from the inane boredom that came from setting up camp in the type of war he was sure this was to become.

He tightened his fingers, just enough to let her know his strength, but not enough to hurt her. Her chin raised a notch but not enough to be seen as defiance. "I was born on an island not important enough to warrant a name. It took weeks to travel here by sea, but we stopped at several other islands along the way. I was sold on the block to the temple and have been here for just over a year." She boldly stepped closer to him. "I can cook, clean, stitch and polish. If needed to, I can learn quickly." Her body posture told him exactly what she would not do for him. And while he appreciated how she looked – more than appreciated, her skin seemed to glow like the gold Alcaeus had taken with him. But instead of cold metal, she was all warm with smooth skin. He would never think of forcing himself upon her. He had never had to force a woman in his life. He was not about to start now.

He deliberately looked her up and down. He wanted to make sure she knew she was safe. "I don't take women against their will. I definitely don't take little girls. Especially not one of so little substance." He nearly winced at how harsh he sounded. He did not think of her like that at all. However, he could think of no other way to make her see she was safe.

Elpis could not believe how much the words from the man in front of her had hurt. She was bewildered as to why she wanted him to want her. It was for the best that he did not. She would definitely not let it show that she had been affected by him. He may have saved her, but her fate now lay with him, and by law no one would stop him no matter what he decided to do to her. "Well, then, master. I will endeavour to eat as little as possible to keep of such little substance so I escape your notice." Her words did not quite hold the bite she wanted them to, but he seemed to get the message she wanted to impart.

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