Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Here." Theod looked up from his seated position in the sand, a wine skin dangling before his face. Raising a hand that hung between his raised knees, he took a hold of it. He nodded his thanks to Androc as he sat heavily beside him. Taking a deep draught of the rich liquid, he had to wonder where his cousin had managed to find such fine fare. He stared back out over the rolling waves. The stars were pinpricks in the sky, the only light on this moonless night. The darkness was a comforting softness around him.

He had made sure Elpis was soundly asleep before coming here, making sure a guard was in position just in case. He had needed to think. After the awe-inspiring news she had shared only hours earlier, his mind had whirled. They were in the middle of a battle field. He needed her, no them, safe. Both his woman and his child needed to be away from here. And yet the more he thought that the more he knew he could not let them go. And so he had come to this spot to think, and only one solution had come to him.

"Theod. While I do not mind silence, I can hear your mind at work. Will you let me know? Perhaps I can be of help." Theod looked over at Androc and knew instinctively he would understand the conclusion he had come to. Androc would even be the one to suggest it if he did not first. But before they could discuss such a thing, he needed to share some news.

Handing over the wine skin, he smiled. "You may need that with the news I am to impart." With a wave of his hand, he waited as a confused Androc took a deep drink, wiping his mouth the back of a hand. Looking back out to sea, he threw out quite casually, "Elpis is carrying my child." All he heard was the crashing of the waves upon the shore. It was a sound that could be found by any coast, and yet could always reach inside him, to the boy he had been and the peaceful life by the sea he had lived.

In moments Androc was upon him, crushing him within his arms. He pulled back only to hit him upon the shoulder repeatedly, his face beaming. "You do not say? Truly?" He threw his head back, and an uproarious laugh took a hold of him.

Theod just watched, silently amused, until his cousin had calmed somewhat. "Have you ever known me not to speak anything but the truth? Withhold the truth, of course. But to actually outright lie?" He tried to sound affronted, but knew he had failed. Especially when a matching grin made its way across his face to match his cousins.

Androc finally shook his head at him. "No, no. Of course I do not believe you to lie." Androc seemed to have reverted to the actions of a young boy. Practically bouncing in place. He had not seen his cousin so carefree in a long time. "You do realise what this means, Theod?"

Theod was the one to be confused now. There was a gleam in his cousin's eye that he could not interpret.

He was wary as he answered. "No cousin. What could this mean?"

Androc's face went suddenly solemn as he cupped Theod's shoulder as if to impart some news that held great importance. "You have to name him Androcles. Remember?"

Theod watched the grin that appeared on his face once more. And had to shake his head as he did indeed remember the conversation. "Ah, of course. I will have to inform Elpis of this fact. That our daughter will be Androcles." He could not help adding the last, watching as a frown over took his cousin at his teasing.

They both took a moment to regroup. Both taking a drink as they settled back to look out over the sea once more. The joy of the moment passing as the situation sank into both men, Androc for the first time, for Theod it was rehashing old thoughts. Androc was the first to break the silence. "The plan we have in place is good. I just pray to the gods that we see a ship going in the correct direction soon."

Theod only nodded, trying to work up the correct way to phrase what he wanted to say. He did not want his cousin to feel as if he was deserting him, but he needed to be with his woman and child. And living from one battle to the next was not conducive to that life.

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