Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Theod stayed back a little not allowing his presence to be known until Alexios had calmed himself. As Alexios thrust his hands back into his hair and took a deep breath, nodding at his companion to continue, Theod moved into his line of sight. A slight chuckle found its way out of him, and it seemed like years since he had last laughed. Especially after today's battle.

"I see I was not the only one unfortunate enough to be nicked by a Trojan's blade." All Theod received in return was a deathly glare, interrupted by a wince as the male kneeling beside Alexios made another stich with what looked like a rather blunt, thick needle.

"I am glad you find this so amusing, Theod. But none of the Trojan's that managed to get through my defence survived to tell the tale." A grim smile was shared by both.

"Are you insinuating that I would allow them free after drawing blood? I am disappointed in how you view my abilities in battle. Should I show you?" He playfully went to free his sword, thoroughly enjoying Alexios' disgruntlement at injury. Or possibly more due to the fact he had just lost his bet to Theod on who fared the best in battle. And even though Theod had his share of stitches today, it seemed Alexios was the worse for wear.

The look Theod received in return almost made him bellow with laughter. He only just managed to keep it in.

"You already have children, Theod, whereas I almost lost my ability to do so today. You really wish to go against me?"

Theod caught a glance of how close the wound was to Alexios most important body part. Seeing exactly why he was in the mood he was. He really could not blame him. Concern took over a moment later. "How mobile are you until that heals?"

Alexios waved off his healer and wiped off the excess blood himself, waving over to a place next to him for Theod to seat himself. "I will walk, even if I have to force myself. But I may be out of the next few battles. I came close to losing my ability for progeny; I will not risk my life for a chance at heroism." Alexios covered himself fully, and Theod felt more comfortable in his position next to his friend. "Having a wall surrounding camp seems so wrong. We have spent years here, and yet only now do we feel we need this defence."

Theod shook his head. He knew the root came from Achilles' refusing to fight. Though he had a feeling that was going to change in a big way very, very soon.

"I can confirm your suspicions." Theod shot a sharp look at Alexios. "Theod, I know you must have heard; the whole camp is talking of it. I told you of the rumours two months ago, just because Agamemnon has apologised and given Achilles his concubine back did not mean his ego would allow him to fight again so soon."

Theod looked out at Alexios' camp. His warriors were helping each other to heal, and a few were moving bodies to one side for cremation later today. "They are saying Achilles has gone mad." He looked back at the male beside him and at the pensive expression he held.

"Is that a statement or a question, Theod? Whether it be true madness or not, my sources cannot say. But Patroclus is confirmed dead, and Achilles has not taken the news well. The information I am receiving is telling me that he wishes to go against Hector." They both shared a look. They had heard tales, prophecies. Could they really be true?

"It could be possible for Achilles to win against the protector of Troy. But with his state of mind, it may be a close fight."

Alexios shook his head. "If he manages to kill Hector though..." It was obvious they were both thinking of the same thing.

"Then it would not be long till the end of the war." Theod said what Alexios would not. And both fell silent for a time.

A loud ruckus sounded, and they both turned towards a young male heading straight for them. The male almost collapsed in front of them, speaking in a dialect that Theod could not understand. He was surprised when he heard Alexios reply just as fluently. He observed them, quietly waiting until the male wondered away trying to catch his breath still and finding a quiet nook to take some refreshment.

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