Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Elpis could not believe what she was hearing. How – no – why would Theod and Androc want to go through with this? Her place was a slave, it was the way her thread had been destined by the gods. If anyone found out they were lying, she would be in serious trouble. They would be fine as free men. But why would they be willing to be seen like this?

Theod was waiting for her to answer him. He had been for some time now. But her mind seemed to be stalling. "You wish..." her mind was stuck upon the notion of what he wanted. "You wish for me to pretend to be your wife? That I am to go about as I normally would, but if I was ever asked my true origins then the story you told of me being your slave from far away, that it actually went a little different?" He nodded, and waited again for her to continue. "You wish for people to believe that I was your slave, but you freed me? As a condition of this you decided that I would in fact be your wife." She could feel her face scrunch up as she tried to come up with what he received from this story. "But...why?"

He knew she would ask; he was only shocked it had taken her this long. He knew that the only reason she would not accept would be his and Androc's place within the plan. She would not place them in danger, of that he knew. Thinking of how he could explain it to her without her flatly refusing him, he had thought to free her and marry her in truth, but it would take too long. The length of the marriage ceremony, even substituting certain roles with his men, would take too much time. They could also not keep it quite around the camp. Something of that magnitude would spread, and they could not allow for many to know the truth of this.

Taking her hands once more, he made sure he held her gaze as he tried to once again explain. "We have had news that you may be in danger. The likelihood of the King confiscating the slave of a lowly warrior is extremely high. However, the likelihood of the King taking a man's free wife is lower. Though still a possibility." He took a deep breath. "If the other men throughout the camp heard of such a thing – with the ones we have on our side and those you have helped and those we have helped in the heat of battle, there is a possibility they will refuse to fight in coming battles if a free man's wife is taken. The King is not paying these men; half have come for the glory of this fight rather than the gold."

She was shaking her head already. "But why am I in danger? And why would you be willing to pretend I am your wife? Surely that would be more trouble for you, than if I was just taken from you?" Her expression was so genuine he wanted to shake her. How could she not see?

"You really think that I could let you just disappear and carry on as if nothing had happened? If you think that, then you are more foolish than I had ever believed of you."

"But I am just a slave. That's all I am. No matter what we do together." The blush bloomed over her cheeks. "I will never be enough for you. You will leave this place, and find a woman to take to that tiny village you told me off. If you took me, I do not know if I could watch on as you did so." She tried to pull her hands from his. Only he would not let go.

He could not believe after what they had done she could keep such thoughts. "Elpis. If you were taken I would battle the gods themselves to get you back. Do you think I would stop in the face of a King?" He gave that a moment to sink in. "Elpis, if I truly free you here in the middle of a camp of warriors anyone could claim you. And if we complete a wedding ceremony in the middle of camp, people may question why we are doing so, so suddenly after the news of that there is possibly another temple slave. If they question that, then you will be in danger once again." He shook his head.

"No matter what the plan, there will always be that little bit of danger looming over us. However, if we say we are already married, it is most probably the safest plan we could give. If you stick with the story Androc has come up with, then not only will you be safe, but my men out there will be safe in the coming battle." He had already told her enough of his feelings. He could not tell her fully. If he did so, he would put himself into a position of vulnerability that he had not been in for a long time.

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