Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was a silent moment. All that could be heard was the sound of others' breathing so loudly in your ear. There was fear and adrenaline in the air. Restless movement around and utter stillness within. The unknown in front and nowhere to go behind. There was only death. Whether that be death caused or death given. It was not a hard equation to make. Yet the actions of this time would haunt the people who lived to tell the victors tale and good men would not make it out alive.

Once again, Theod questioned his way of life. He had known he had wanted out. Right now, he wished he had done it sooner. Only as he closed his eyes, he saw Elpis as she had been that morning, handing out a hearty meal for the breaking of their fast, the fire highlighting her perfectly. The sun having not yet risen, as all knew they would fight today. It had taken three days for them to get to this point.

They had waited for the higher powers to tell them when they were to risk their lives once more. He had spent the time within his camp, with the men who had become his family over the years and the woman who had slotted into his life so perfectly he could not remember his life before he had found her in that temple. Due to that, he knew that he could not regret coming here. He could, however, regret not getting his cousin to pack up their camp and taking them away. He was no coward, but he knew when the gods had given him a blessing he needed to be thankful for.

Androc looked over to him. They had already spoken and would not again until it was over. Hope. That was the solitary feeling that kept him going. A knowing that when he walked off this field of death Elpis would be there. Either to patch up injuries, or just with a warm meal to sooth the mind and the body. That was the thought he took with him as the time came upon them.

Facing the gleaming helmets of the Trojans before them, he hefted his shield. He had promised Elpis he would see her, and he was taking no chance on his life. That promise he knew would make him fight harder, dirtier, and with more heart than he ever had before. If it got him through, that was all that mattered.

As one they moved.

Elpis was worried. The anxiety she felt tightening her stomach, twisting and turning it. She had fed the men this morning as she had since they had set up camp. Yet she could not say which she would be feeding this night. Her feelings did not allow her to stay still, and up till now the quietness of the camp had only worked to heighten that feeling.

The camp had never been this quiet. There was always the sound of clashing swords as men practiced, chatter of men around a fire, and the clatter of men working to set up areas that were urgently needed. Even at night, there was the sound of laughter and shouting as the men drank late into the night. In all there was a feeling over the last few days of living life to the fullest, having no regrets. But also there was a remembrance of good times shared, a proof that they had completed feats of daring and adventure, before they had ended up in this place which could cut that life short.

This morn before dawn, it had been a different atmosphere altogether. The men had been quiet, murmuring to each other. She had seen these men laugh, argue, and fight; but she never had seen them so serious before. The feeling had slowly sunk in as she had taken in the mood. Her senses heightened until she was jumping at shadows.

Theod had taken her aside. She had no idea what had made her do it, but after the way he had treated her over the last few days, she had extracted a promise from him to come back alive. She convinced herself it was because she had managed to find a master who actually treated her as if she were still a free woman. It was both surprising and completely unexpected. She could not allow such a man to be killed even if she could not exert her will over the god's choices.

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