Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Throwing a fur over Elpis' sleeping form, Theod made a stop to pick up a new tunic on his way to the entrance. Taking a moment to look back at her, so at peace in a place where turmoil was around every corner, he quickly made his way out of the doorway and tied the leather behind him. He would not be having any of his men walking in on her in such a compromising position.

Finding that most of the men had taken to an impromptu training session, he threw himself down upon the drift-wood by the fire. Androc was already there, sitting in the soft sand and leaning back against the log Theod sat upon. Leaning forward, elbows on knees and the widest grin on his face, he knew Androc had to understand what had gone on between him and Elpis. He watched the men with a critical eye, close enough for him to spot any weaknesses, and areas in which they would have to focus upon in order to become a tighter unit. Their cries were loud in the air as they were in the open space between the last tent and the sea.

"That smile of yours tells all, Theod. I take it that means she has agreed?" Androc, with a sly grin of his own in return, turned his head in Theod's direction. "But was that through her own choice? Or did you manage to...shall we say...persuade her?"

Hearing the laugh that escaped Androc's mouth, Theod slapped the back of his cousin's head and barely dodged the elbow that came at him from nowhere. "She agreed you fool." And then in a quieter voice so none of the closer men would over hear, he said, "You know I would not do that to her."

Androc nodded. "I know Theod." With a pointed glance, he added, "But it was fun to see your reaction." Both watched the mock battle in front of them. "So she has agreed to be your wife. The men have been told and will follow any plan we give them. The only thing we can do now is keep her in our sights."

"Well..." Theod drew out the word, and Androc turned back towards him. "She has agreed to pretend to be my wife. Could you imagine how stubborn she would get if I told her she was a free woman." Both men thought of what her reaction could be. In all probability she would, in fact, follow their plan to keep her safe. But he had made the decision that kept her safe without any possibility of her doing anything unpredictable.

Androc gave him a strange look. "So, how are you going to explain the fact that she is now a freewoman, with a rather large amount of gold at her disposal?"

He refused to look at his cousin as he thought about how he would have to eventually tell Elpis that part of the plan. Only when he had looked at her, he could not bring himself to tell her that part. A section of his mind was convinced if he told her she was a freewoman that she would leave him. For what about him could she possibly want to stay with? He went to battle multiple times and did not know if he was coming back each time. And yet, she acted as if she understood. "I'm not. Well, not yet anyway. It took long enough to get her to agree with the plan; I did not want to risk that with the other news." He pushed at Androc's shoulder so that his cousin rocked slightly. "And you were the one who gave me all that gold to give her. What was it you said? Oh yes. She would need something to convince her to stay with me and pretend to like me as a wife." He tried to make it sound like the joke Androc had meant it as.

Only he knew that it was that comment that had knocked his confidence, not allowing him to tell her the news that could, and would, change her life. He could not take the risk of losing her.

Androc looked at his cousin closely, seeing the strain that had appeared in the tiny lines around his mouth. It was such a change from the carefree man that had sat down before him. Thinking over their conversation, he heard what was unsaid. He was sure his earlier joke had been taken to heart. He had not meant what he had said. In fact, the only reason he had said it was because he was jealous of Theod. Of the life he had a very real chance of living. He would never let that jealousy stop his cousin from taking what had been set out for him by the gods.

Reaching out for Theod's arm, he squeezed it to catch Theod's attention back from the men. The men who started cheering, for those who still left in on the mock battle, which had started out as a training session. "Theod, you know I did not mean that. Do you not?" He sat up a little straighter. "By the gods, man. Every man out there can see what she feels for you. And I can guarantee that every single one of them have the same amount of jealousy coursing through their bodies as I do. For one such as Elpis to look at you the way she does." He shook his head and gave a sharp laugh that held no humour. "Theod, you have everything that those men do not want to let themselves dream about. They may brag about whores and drinking, but in the heart of each is either a dream of glory on the battle field or the secret need for a good woman to come home to at the end. And very few of our men have that. And Theod, you have that right here."

After looking over Theod's shoulder, he cast a serious glance back at his cousin. Nodding in the direction of Theod's tent. "Look at her Theod. None of our men would try and take her from you, but any number would gladly and willingly – enthusiastically – take your place if you fell in battle." Patting him on the shoulder, he stood to leave. Theod had looked over his shoulder and nodded at his comment, but had not turned back in his direction. "The gods have blessed you Theod. Take that blessing. Who knows how long they will stay on your side." With that he left, taking one last look at his cousin, whose gaze had still not left a tumbled looking Elpis. An Elpis whose own gaze had not left Theod's since he looked in her direction.

Androc shook his head. He could not believe how blind the two were being to each other. What he would not give to be so blessed. All he could do was pray to the gods themselves that he survived long enough to find the same for himself. Shaking himself out of his melancholy mood, he came up to his cheering men and watched the last two combatants go at each other, joining in with the bets being taken upon the outcome of the match.

Elpis saw as Androc left Theod alone, but her gaze had not left the man who not so long ago had pleasured her into oblivion. She blushed once more at the thought of what they had done, in the middle of the day no less. She found herself upon him sooner than she had expected. Heading to move around him and start upon the preparations for the next meal of the day, she was startled when he took her hand in his. Pulling her down into his lap. She looked up into his face; it was less guarded than she had seen in the light of day before. He looked at her as if she the only one around even when they could hear the cheering of the men not far away.

He brought his hand up to push a lock of her hair behind her ear, watching the colours in her dark hair be brought out by the sun. He knew that he would protect her with everything in him. And he needed to tell her, he did. Just not yet. If she was to walk away, he wanted a few more moments for him to take with him. Leaning in to kiss her forehead, he looked out over the beach. Finally letting her go when she made mention that the men would grumble if they did not have something to eat soon, he sat back and watched her work.

He had made a choice that kept her as his. But could he ever come to a point where he could summon the courage to ever watch her walk away?

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