Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Theod made his way through the maze of camp that had grown once more since last night. More tents were set up and more camp-fire circles were organised, and as a result more men and obstacles to dodge. Especially when he had a dangerous amount of gold about his person and no help if he was set upon. He should have brought some men along. But then he would look weak. It would not do to look weak in front of a King.

Finally making his way off of the soft, constantly shifting sand and onto slightly more solid ground, he knew he was nearly at Alexios' part of camp, as he could hear him shouting out orders. He caught a little about something falling to one side, and understood completely when he saw the precariously placed wooden poles that would hold up the tent that would house the majority of his men for the period they would be here for.

Waving a hand, he caught Alexios' attention and was given a hand motion of welcome, which at the same time asked for patience. Theod dropped the sack onto the earth before him and watched with his hands on his hips until, eventually, the men had managed to right the problem and Alexios was walking in his direction, using his forearm to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Have you heard anything of the king? Apparently he is owed spoils from a Temple he was nowhere near yesterday." At the expression on Alexios' face he knew that his feelings on the topic were exactly the same as his and Androc's. He explained the gist of the conversation he had had with his cousin and the plan they had come up with, hoping against everything that Alexios would be in for this. That was the one thing that could hinge this whole plan.

He watched as Alexios paced for a moment in silence before calling over one of his men. "Sir" was the snapped reply as the young lad came to a stumbling halt before them. He saw the exasperated look in Alexios' eyes as he spoke quietly with the boy. With the young lad sprinting away, Alexios turned back towards him.

"He is a well-meaning lad, but needs to learn a little more discipline. Why do you look so worried Theod? Of course I am on board with your plan. I was just trying to work out how best to get the King's word, for you are not the only one who will need it. You may have gained a rather fetching slave, but I gained more gold than you. I would prefer it stayed in my grasp and not let it be taken into the greedy paws of the King."

"Any ideas?" The smile he received had him nervous. The last time he saw that expression it had let to a black space in his memory for a period of three days.

"Theod, I have decided I am just going to follow your lead. You always know what to do in these situations." Being clapped on his shoulder was becoming a habit that others were catching on to, or so it seemed. Maybe he would have to wear his armour as padding constantly to ward off the ache he was sure to develop. Watching as the boy came back towards them dragging a rather large sack towards them, Theod couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "I think you definitely need to work on that discipline Alexios." He looked back towards the boy, "Can I trust your men not to divulge Elpis' origins?"

"I cannot be sure what they have already said. But I will find out. And in the process I will let them know the new story. Even if they have told, my men will say what I tell them too. Even if pressure is applied." He paused as the boy dropped the sack at Alexios' feet, his chest heaving with the effort.

"Anything else, sir?"

"No lad, that's fine. Go find something useful to do." They both chuckled lightly as the boy practically bounced away. Theod watched as his friend bent and threw the sack over a shoulder, looking as if he had not a care in the world. "Shall we go and meet a King?"

Alexios was the same man he had known all those years ago. They talked companionably on their way to the King's part of camp. They spoke of what had happened since they last met and of the campaigns they had together, and Alexios' rigorously teased Theod about Elpis. Eventually, as the men thickened around them, they knew they were close to the centre of the campaign, the King himself. That was when the conversation turned instead to planning how they were going to get back out of the audience with their lives intact, the remaining gold in their possession, and Elpis' origins remaining a secret and how to gain a Kings promise with proof that they would be left alone.

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