Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Theod came awake to the sound of sea birds outside. He could hear no sound of the storm at all. Changing focus, he could hear the men outside, some shouting to others, though he could not make out the exact words. When he could not hear any danger outside, he shifted his focus once more to what had brought him awake. Looking down he found Elpis drawing lazy patterns on his chest with a fingertip. Her gaze following that finger with single-minded focus.

Their legs entangled, and the blanket he did not remember throwing over them covering all the important parts. He knew she would be embarrassed if caught, but found that he wanted to see that reaction. Leaning down and kissing the top of her head, the wispy fly-away hairs tickle and catch against his stubble. Laughing silently, he pulled them away as she looked up, her cheeks flaming at the over-load of memories taking over. He allowed her a few moments to assimilate. But allowing her to dwell could only lead her to possible rationalising her way out of this.

Turning and coming over on top of her, he framed her head with his arms, kissing her quite chastely, considering what they had managed to do last night. Multiple times he had awoken her. And she had not complained for long. Smiling down at her, he waited until she looked up at him.

She felt her cheeks flame. In the light spilling through the gaps between the leather and post of the door, she knew it was morning at least. The storm was over, and she was still alive to deal with the aftermath of the pleasure of last night. When she had woken of her own volition, she had found she wanted to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible. She knew that when Theod rejected her, as she knew he must, it would tear out a piece of her that she had not known she needed. But looking up into his gaze now, she did not know what to think.

His expression held a tenderness she had never before seen. He was a warrior of immense power, a power she had become intimately acquainted with. And yet he looked at her as if she were special. That was almost laughable. But she would take it for as long as she could, knowing it had to stop at some point. Accepting the sweet kiss Theod gave, her she laughed as he groaned as they both heard Androc knocking on one of the wooden posts of the tent, yelling that the men had waited long enough for breakfast. This was followed by a number of grumbling agreements.

Theod glared down at her. "There was a terrible storm. Probably damage to some part of the camp. And my men want you and not me? I see where their loyalties lie." Tapping her hip, she saw the amusement in his gaze and knew he was messing with her. "Come on. I find I need sustenance this morning." A wicked grin crossed his face as he sat upright and leant over to reach the tunic she had stolen the night before. Tossing it back to her, he stood in all his glory. And she found herself frozen in place, staring until he turned and winked at her.

Face aflame, she struggled to sit up and place the tunic over her head at the same time. As Androc knocked again, she listened with half an ear as Theod shouted back they would be out soon. She was sure there were a few inappropriate comments, and at the few comical shouts of pain afterwards, she knew Androc had not allowed their comments to stand. As she moved the blankets aside, she was confused.

Theod found her like that minutes later after he was fully dressed. He had anticipated the reaction. Having washed in the bowl of water, he knew the blood would probably shock her, not expecting such a thing. He doubted anyone would have talked about such a thing with her. Holding out the wet rag, he stood back, allowing her a little privacy for the task. "I will see you outside Elpis. Do not worry. I am going to knock a few heads together." She glanced up warily, and he hated that expression on her face, as if she expected him to leave her now. Or possibly to throw her out or even to his men. Had she really taken nothing from last night?

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