Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Elpis could see the tension in Theodulus' shoulders. She did not know if that was because of the condition he was in when he finally stumbled into his sleeping area in the early morning hours, or if it was her, due to the way he was staring at the way she moved around the men who came to the fire circle to be fed. Stirring the stew in the pot once more so as not to let the bottom burn, she thought back to the men she had fed. None had talked to her directly unless she had given them a meal, in which case she received a muttered thanks. All she could really think was that they were showing respect to Theodulus by not trying to 'steal or use' his property. Apart from the lack of sleep, she had seen many of the men around watching her, some seemed bemused that she was there among so many men and showing no fear at all.

But how could she feel fear of them? She had lived through two horrific and life changing events, lost people she had cared for both times. And come through the other side, scared but functioning. How could she feel scared of a few, from the looks of it, worse for wear men? Many looked as if they had imbibed of too much wine last night. And she may have been a little bad, making sure to hit the pot a few times with the ladle she had found, which appeared before she had made the last meal of the day yester eve.

The next time she paused to think she found herself alone with Theodulus by the fire. Blinking she turned to find most of the men setting up other sleeping areas for the rest of Androcles' men to spend their nights. Out of the winds that can pick up during the night. Other men were sat together in groups, sharpening weapons and talking quietly amongst themselves. She cleared her throat and made a move to clean up. Without seeing him move, she found her wrist locked within his much larger and calloused hand. She felt her face heat, and could not pinpoint the reason why it did so.

Theodulus had watched her, for over the last hour, hand out food to the men, giving seconds to those who indicated they wanted so. Never once did he see her sit or rest at any moment. If she was not serving, she was making sure the pot was stirred or adding more bread to the fire to cook, pulling out the fresh loaves only to have them devoured by his men in seconds. With his hand practically doubled around her wrist, he was concerned on how much she was doing for others compared to how she treated herself.

"Have you eaten yet?" Her startled look as she met his gaze showed him the answer to that question. "Eat before you clean up. You look like you need the strength. I do not want you collapsing on me due to the fact I have not made sure you are taken care off." He saw a couple of men glancing their way. "I would not want my men complaining at the loss of the best food we have had on a campaign so far."

All he got in return was a nod; he could not see any of the fire he had seen in the bronze orbs yesterday. That was what pushed him. "Are you feeling alright? Do you need to sit down? You have been on your feet since I first saw you earlier."

His worry hit her hard. No one was concerned for a slave. Unless she took into consideration what he had said about the food, then it would make complete sense. But why could she see true concern in his expression as he stared intently at her? "I am fine. Thank you, master. Just following orders to see your men fed." She could see his eyes flash with an unreadable emotion. "You do not call me master. I may own you, but you are still a person. And I do not want you to collapse on me. What kind of owner would I look like to my men, if you did that?"

"Of course." Her shoulders squared slightly. She did not want him to think her weak. "But I was on my feet all day at the Temple. From before sun up till after sun down. With only a meal to break my fast and a meal at the end of the working day. The midday hour was a busy time in the Temple. So you should not worry about my lack of food. I ate with the first meal. Missing this one will be no hardship."

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