Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

With their attention on the men before them, no attention had been paid to the men who had come up behind them. The first warning they had was the cry of pain as Androcles was hit with the sharpest of daggers, staggering forward into Elpis with a grunt before sliding down the wall. Elpis' mind went blank as she was once again face to face with Alcaeus. His face even more distorted in the dim light.

With Alcaeus looming forward towards her, and the men at the other end of the tunnel running in their direction. Elpis knew the three of them were in a very precarious position. One she could see no way out of.

Theod whipped around as Androc fell. His cousin taken down by the blade he could see in the flickering torch light. The light shimmered off the blade and the blood that coated it. Androc, however injured, could still take care of himself, or he would at least make sure to go into the last journey a warrior. Elpis could not protect herself. She was his priority before his highly trained cousin. Sword in hand he waited for the next move from Alcaeus, thought he could hear the sound of footfalls gaining on them from behind. His hearing sharpened in the tunnels, cutting through the echoes, judging the distance they had left before impact.

Alcaeus was over confident. Theod could clearly see the light in his eyes as he took note of the men approaching from behind. Alcaeus thought this was pay back for their argument and constant sniping at each other. Another glance down, checking on both Elpis and Androc, he changed his stance slightly. It caught Alcaeus' attention.

In that moment of distraction, Androc struck. Thrusting upward with his sword, which he had removed as he had so theatrically slid down the wall. Theod took only a moment to absorb the satisfaction at the shock that appeared on Alcaeus face as he realised it would be moments before he slid into the last sleep. His life-blood pouring from the wound in his stomach that still held Androc's sword. As Alcaeus froze, his friend behind him was blocked from help and retaliation.

Ensuring Elpis was still between him and Androc, he swung around, sword arching through the air in an almost silent whistle, clashing almost immediately with the first male to reach them from the group which had been situated at the other end of the tunnel. All of this had taken place in seconds, but with Theod's state of mind, each move was precise, a clarity reserved for only these times.

About to spar with the warrior before him, he noticed something familiar. "Alexios?" Breathless from the impact and the surprise. He spoke barely loud enough for the other man to hear. He knew though, this man was as highly trained as himself.

"Theodulus?" Both men lowering their swords at the same time. Alexios called off the men behind him.

Theod faced Alcaeus' man used his steeliest tone. "Your commander is moments from death." A glance from the corner of his eye showed Androc on his feet once more, his sides heaving and Elpis still between them. "My suggestion would be you take him back, boy. Or you leave him here. Up to you. But stay any longer and you will be joining him on the journey to the afterlife."

Showing exactly how close Alcaeus' crew was, the boy turned and ran his way back down the tunnel. Leaving his commander behind to die alone with no companion or anyone who even remotely liked him. He would not be given a second thought by those around him now. And none would burden themselves to move the body or pay the boatman his fare.

About to make sure his cousin was still well, he saw that Elpis was already kneeling at his side and looking at the wound inflicted. Putting his cousin's health into Elpis' hands, he turned to take care of the others. "Alexios? It has been way to long my friend." They clasped each other's right forearms, both testing each other's strength in a teasing game they used to do as children.

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