Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was as the sun was setting that a truce was called on the battle-field.

Dead from both sides littered the beach, the dunes, and the grassland. Wherever they had fought, there had been death. No side wins on that score. All have suffered losses. The Trojans heading back behind their walls after they had dealt with their dead. Half of the invaders were set to dealing with their dead. The other half were setting up camp on the edge of the beach. Far enough away that the tide would not reach them, yet not close enough to Troy for a surprise attack. They would definitely see the enemy coming.

Though it was less a camp and more a moveable city, the amount of men filling the area was astounding. Androcles had sent men ahead of them, back to the ship to remove their tents and other needed items. When his men and Alexios' finally made it back to the beach area, the full scale of the operation hit him. His men had been wise. They had set the first of the wooden poles into the very edge of the beach zone. His men had thought about both battle tactics and their entrance into the camp area with all the gold in their possession.

At the back edge of the camp, they would be safe from a sneak attack if it ever did manage to happen, they would also be able to skirt the front area with their sacks of gold, mostly unseen. He was also worried about the men and their reaction to Elpis if and when they saw her. He knew Theodulus was going to be having some challenges for her. There was little he could do to stop it. He knew how a man thinks, and no matter how long they stayed here, there were not going to enough women to satisfy all the men. He could only help Theod whenever it was possible.

He did have to admit to himself though, after all the campaigns he and his crew had been on, there were still only limited meals they could all cook. A female could cook...couldn't she? Well weren't they all taught it as boys were taught to fight? He did not know much about that side of a female's life, but it couldn't be too hard for her. He would have to talk to Theod about it. Though he couldn't see it being an issue, Theod had as much a problem with the food his men made as he did.

Looking back over his shoulder he really saw his cousin, and the protective stance he had as he walked slightly in front of Elpis. He did not think that Theod even realised what he was doing. This was going to be the most amusing entertainment between the battles. This was already better than most campaigns.

His pride in his men intensified as they reached the area they had staked out, the cloth and leather stretching over the wooden slats. No matter how much he told the men they would have an equal share and work together, he still needed them to respect and fear him as a leader, so his and Theod's areas being set up first was expected. The finishing touches were being placed on Theod's from what he could see. Most of the men would sleep out in the open tonight.

Looking skyward and tasting the wind, he could tell that it would be a clear warm night. His men would be fine. It is not like they had not done it before and in worse conditions. They would survive.

The farewell with Alexios held the promise of a future friendship. He could see himself getting on well with the man. The gold share would have been much lower without the compromise they had made with his men and Elpis as guide. He was a man of his word and had proved that; Androcles would honour him for that. For now anyway. He had instructions to give, gold to stash, and a campfire to arrange. And maybe he could sweet talk Theod's new slave into cooking for them, he could do with a good meal after all of the stale leftovers they had had over the last few days. Dry, hard bread had never been much to his liking.

Elpis had followed Theod's broad shouldered back and found herself blushing as she realised she had been admiring him. She had had to force herself to look downward at the ground before her feet. At least that way she could not be caught if he turned. That would have been extremely embarrassing. Especially after her episode earlier. She did not think he was going to let her out of his sight for a while, which definitely meant she was not going to be seen as weak again, and finding him attractive would definitely be a weakness he was going to use against her. Even if he had made it abundantly clear he was not in any way attracted to her malnourished frame.

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