Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Alexios finally saw the shores of Troy once more.

And not a moment too soon, it would seem.

He could not stand one more day aboard this ship with the annoying, odious little man who did not know when to stop talking. He swore that the male would talk of endless topics, each as inane as the last. None had any true meaning or interest for anyone but the male speaking. Alexios had come to the conclusion that the man just liked the sound of his own voice, no matter the annoyance he caused to everyone around him.

He was rather like a fly buzzing around constantly, not leaving you alone. So you swat it away. Only for it to come back. Even more persistent that before.

But now he was moments away from hitting the beach and taking command of his men once more.

But seeing Theod would definitely be the highlight of his return. He could not wait to see his reaction to the news he brought, he had to admit. It was the only good point of his trip, a return trip that had ended up taking triple the time his outward journey had taken.

Still a little ways out but in shallow enough water that he would not have to swim, he grabbed the handle of his sack and jumped over the edge of the ship. It reminded him of the day they first landed on the beach over nine years ago. A cry went up from a few of the crew. But he was already racing up through the waves, strangely happy to be back at the place that could very well be his death. But he had survived so far, so he could always be hopeful he would leave victorious.

Finally hitting the soft, wet sand just past the water's edge, he paused, took a deep breath of the sea air, and surveyed the sight of the camp before him. Grains of sand started to irritate him as they stuck to his feet in between his sandal straps. He started moving again, slowly this time. He could take his time now that he was back. His men were here, and his command role was here, as was the life he had made for himself. No matter what he had left in Athens, it was only something that caused a distraction and could possibly make him comfortable after the war. But if he did not survive that long, well, he would not bemoan the loss.

"Alexios." Alexios cringed as he came to a stop. "Alexios, hold up one moment." He kept looking forward and saw men making their way forward, curious as to what had come in on this new shipment.

He heard heavy breathing running up behind him. Taking a deep breath of his own, he turned to face the odious man. He could not wait to be rid of him, once and for all. He waited as the small male bent over, trying to catch his breath. Alexios tried to picture him fighting for his life in battle and ended up trying to stifle a chuckle. The man would be dead in minutes. Pathetic excuse of a male that he was.

"You left the ship in such...such a hurry. I...I just wanted to make sure...that you were going to mention my your men." Alexios watched as he finally managed to stand upright once more and say a full sentence without gasping. "You know, spread the word a little of what I have available." The man gave him a look that he supposed was meant to give them a link of camaraderie.

Alexios almost asked him if he was in pain. But instead he nodded his head slowly, and turned, muttering under his breath. "Not even if the gods themselves asked it as a personal favour." He just wanted rid of the man. If he never saw him again, it would definitely be too soon. Thinking quickly he knew he had two choices. Turn left and head to his part of the camp or turn right, find Theod, and inform him that he was back. And impart some news.

It took all of two seconds to realise that if Theod realised he had kept the news from him by heading to his area first it may mean his death a little sooner than he expected. He decided he was heading right.

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