Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Androc, this better work. Or I am going to draw blood. You realise this?" Theod stared hard at his cousin as they hid behind the post looking out over the camp before them. "I am following you on this because, as you point out, I may not be the most rational at the moment. And yet, there are so many things that could go wrong."

Androc placed his hand on Theod's shoulder, "Do not worry so much, Theod. If this does not work, we will go in full force. We have the manpower to complete such a thing. Do not worry; she will be back with us soon." He hesitated, and Theod only stared until Androc broke down. "Theod, we have no idea what has already happened to her. We know she must have been injured to take her away. But we do not know how. And she has been gone a few hours now at least. We cannot presume that she is well. So we need to be as quick as possible about this, but you cannot attack if she is injured, all we need is to get her back."

He had thought of that, but at the same time, he had not really let it sink in. She could be seriously hurt, and he had not been there to stop any of it. Instead he was here trying to figure out a plan to retrieve her. Not that charging in would help. But it may make him feel better. "I will try to keep that in mind, but it may only make me angrier in this situation." A pointed stare showed just how serious he was.

Placing his attention on the men before the tent they were going to, he took a deep breath. Well, it would work, or it would not. The only thing he could do was to play out the plan, and if that failed, it was his sword that would be negotiating for him.

The face before her was not one she ever wanted to be acquainted with again. That was if she managed to get out of this situation alive. His face was monstrous to behold. His ragged beard held dirt, and she was sure some flecks of blood and sand had ingrained itself in there as well. His eyes held an almost manic glow to them. He had obviously not cleaned from the fight that morning, or she hoped it was still the same day, though she was unsure as to the exact time. He seemed quite happy to be sitting in the filth he created. The smell, however, was what had helped to revive her, though she now wished to fall back into the darkness to escape it.

Her back was against one of the wooden posts holding up the tent, her hands still bound as she watched the dirt encrusted hand heading towards her face. She tried not to flinch, though she was unsure as to whether it was because of the dirt or because of a look that had entered his gaze that unsettled her stomach. She was sure it promised pain.

A grin split his face as his fingers dug into her chin lifting her face until he was close. So close. Too close. "I do hope you defy me. I do like to cause pain. But not without cause, of course." The grin became wider as she took in his words. A tiny shiver took over her whole body, barely perceptible. "Yet I do not believe that you could live up to my exacting standards." He leant in closer, if she could have moved away she would have, only for his grip to tighten further. She would be leaving this encounter with bruises. Of that she was sure. "I do hope you slip up soon."

Her mouth went dry. She tried to swallow, but her throat felt swollen. She was terrified and did not see a way out of this any time soon. Theod would not stop until she was found. Well, that was what she hoped. But he was not here now, and she had to survive until he could find her and come up with a viable plan. A plan that would not get him or his men killed. She had to speak. He was expecting something. The gleam shone in his eyes. He was looking forward to causing pain. And her stomach flipped at the realisation that whatever she did, he would deem it wrong.

Pain was going to be a strong part of her life. Until Theod came for her. An image flashed through her mind. Corinna. Covered in bruises. The dead look in her eyes. The complete loss of hope. This was the man that had taken Corinna. Of that she was certain. He had never said it. But after what Theod had mentioned, it was the only scenario that made sense. She had to survive, and she had to know as much as possible to deal with that.

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