Y/N's Wish

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Y/N never thought she'd use this as a last resort.

A silly rumor: Toilet-bound Hanako-san.

'Well, whatever it takes.'

She hid from her fellow schoolmates' stares, shrinking behind walls and avoiding crowded areas.

Finally, after a couple of steps, Y/N was face-to-face with the familiar girl's bathroom.

She took a deep breath in, stepping inside and closing the door behind her.

She quietly walked in, eyes wide as she observed her surroundings.

No flickering lights. No creaking doors.

No signs of anything haunting the place.

She began to have a little doubt, but her determination to 'end the day' overwhelmed her uncertainty.

She walked to the last stall, then began to knock.



One last time.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san," Y/N echoed. "Are you there?"

A gust of wind.

Y/N whirled around.

No sign of Hanako-san.

"Ah, dammit." Y/N's shoulders slumped down in disappointment. "Just another rumor..."

"Pardon me?"

Y/N nearly screamed at the new voice. It was a male. In a flash, she whipped around, intending to uppercut the intruder.

"YOU SICK PERVERT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRL'S-?!" Y/N screamed, but she was silenced to shock when she saw what was behind her.

A boy with black hair, his amber eyes aglow with amusement. But that wasn't what stunned her.

He was also floating. And her hand, which would've slapped him, had phased right through.


"That was...." the strange apparition grinned in amusement, resting his head on one hand. "...the one hundredth time someone tried to hit me."

'No way... Hanako's a boy?!'

"Y-you are -" Y/N babbled in disbelief, shuffling back an inch. "A-Are you...?"

"Why yes!" The boy stopped his floating, landing on the tiled floor gracefully. He dipped his head, bowing in a courteous manner.

"My name is Hanako, the 7th wonder of this school! And you are....?"

"I have a wish to make." Y/N cut in, forcing her fear far down.

"Ah, straight to the point, are we~?" His amber eyes gleamed with interest. He floated closer to the girl.

"And what would that wish be?"

"Hanako-san," Y/N steadied her eyes on his wide, curious ones, making sure she sounded firm and brave.

"I want you to kill me."

A sudden silence filled the already tense air of the bathroom.

Hanako's sultry expression had disappeared, replaced with a more sinister look. It reminded her of Yoshiro's dark one. Y/N's lip trembled, but she kept her gaze steady.

"Why do you covet such a gruesome wish?" He asked curiously, tilting his head.

Y/N never expected to be inquired.... she thought it would all be over in an instant.

She shook her head, not wishing to open up. Even if the boy she was talking to was dead.

Hanako hummed with interest, then pulled out something from within his uniform. Y/N looked up curiously.

A knife.

"This is mine, but I'll let you borrow it!" Hanako smiled, handing her the knife. Y/N's hands trembled as she took if from him, the cool metal gracing her fingers.

"Wh-what do I...?"

"Wasn't that your wish?" Hanako yawned. "Go on! Fulfill it yourself."


Hanako's watchful eyes were like daggers piercing her soul. Y/N shakily held the knife in position just above her heart.

Do it.

Her hand wouldn't budge.


She couldn't move.

Suddenly, hot tears sprung out of the young girl's cheeks. Hanako's eyes widened as she collapsed on the floor, releasing the knife from her grip and letting it skitter to a stop far away from her. The spirit floated to her side but kept a respectful distance away. 

"Well?" He asked nonchalantly. "Why didn't you do it?"

"I don't know..." Y/N sobbed, burying her face in her hands. "....I DON'T KNOW!"

Hanako watched in silence as the girl broke down more and more.

"Why can't you kill me yourself?" Y/N gasped in between tears. "Why can't you do it?"

Hanako stayed quiet.

Y/N looked away sullenly, clutching her arm.

"F-Fine, if you really want an explanation." Y/N sniffled. "I want you to kill me because I've been suffering. Ever since I was born, all I've had was an abusive mother. She expects me to get high grades, but I never do. All I can do is draw. It makes me feel stupid."

Y/N closed her eyes, expecting to feel the blow of Hanako's knife. When nothing came, she opened one just a peek.

Hanako stayed quiet, unmoving.

Y/N grumbled in annoyance. She continued her depressing revelation.

"People pick on me, calling me weak... I'm tired of being bullied. All I have is one best friend. That convincing?"

"Tell me."


"Tell me why you couldn't kill yourself." Hanako leaned forward a little, looking unnaturally keen to hear her answer.

Y/N gulped. Her answer would sound silly, but if that's what it took to end her miserable life...

"I-I can't muster the strength to hurt myself. Not even a cut." Y/N spluttered, her face falling shamefully. "That's why I wanted you to do it... it's strange, but I really can't bring myself to."

"Then what is this?" Hanako gently took ahold of her bandaged arm.

Y/N blushed a little at the sudden contact. She had never talked much with a boy, nor ever interact with one.

"My mother did it." She murmured, looking away.

Maybe Y/N was dreaming, but she could've sworn Hanako's curious eyes softened a little.

"Alright! I'll grant your wish."

It was so sudden. Y/N's eyes lifted to his in surprise, a hint of relief in them.

"You will?"

"Under one condition."

Y/N's body tensed, Yoshiro's words playing back in her head.

'She should come out by then, and grant whatever wish you want, but at a price.'

"A-And what would that be...?" Y/N's lip quivered nervously as she thought of what he might want.

She had to kill someone else?

She had to be his servant?

She had to sell her soul?

"It's quite simple, really!" Hanako closed his eyes, an innocent smile on his face.

"You'll let me enjoy this whole school week.... with you."

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