A Normal Day

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Dedicated to:


For being the first people to support this book/continuous support. Thank you guys! Without them, we wouldn't be at 40 chapters right now ^^

Final chapter before the epilogue!

Not meant to burst your bubble-

But foin, I'll make a sequel.

And if there is to be a sequel, this is the reason why it happens-

- - -

10 pm, Kamome...

Hanako felt a lot more giddy and cheery as he bade Y/N goodbye, the memory still clinging to him and refusing to let go. He fought to keep a straight face, not burst into a triumphant cry of joy, and focus on another matter that had been worrying him for a while now.

"Where has Tsukasa been?"

Sakura looked up with surprise as her master's brother, the 7th Wonder Hanako himself, opened the Broadcasting Room with a start.

She looked down at her paperwork uncomfortably. Tsukasa had mentioned he was "paying this Rift thingy a visit," but had instructed her not to tell anyone.

"I'm sure he's granting a wish to another apparition." She said in a leveled tone.

"Huh, weird." Hanako hummed in confusion. "I thought he would be connected with Mitsuba. I tried to look for the guy, but he's vanished."

'The pink-haired boy? He was walking with him before he disappeared.'

"Anyway, thanks!" Hanako waved dismissively. He closed the door, leaving a now anxious and worried Sakura alone and afraid.

She had not liked the look on his face when he talked to Mitsuba. And she recalled, very dimly, he had mentioned something about Y/N as well when he "journeyed to the Rift."

'I can't spy on him! That will be the end of me! But...'

She looked down thoughtfully at the Mokke who claimed to had traveled with Tsukasa to the Rift before. She leaned down, gently murmuring a hushed command;

"Can you follow Tsukasa to the Rift? Tell him to come back. I have an urgent message."

The pink bunny looked up at her in surprise.

"What message?"

"It's only for him. I'm afraid I can't tell," said Sakura flatly, desperate to get to the bottom of this predicament weighing down on her shoulders.

"Alrighty, then!" The bunny hopped off without question, disappearing from sight.

Sakura watched it leave, wringing her hands in a tight knot.

[To Live] T-B Hanako Kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now