Confessing, But-

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Ya'll too guys!! Read through all your comments and honestly? They made my day! >:,D

Made me smile; also sometimes made me concerned.

They can be really thirsty.

.... you guys want a lEmON OR W A T

- - -

Day 4 of enjoying the school week with Hanako


'Oh dear.'

Y/N quickly hid the box of freshly baked donuts in her lunchbag, hastily putting a smile on her face.

She should've known Hanako would visit her first thing in the morning.

"Where have you been?" He groaned; he sounded almost childish. The ghost boy floated towards the girl, embracing her from behind.

"L-let go!" Y/N gently tried to swat him away.

"Too close?" He lazily peered down at her. "Too bad. I like it that way."

Y/N gave him her famous I-will-hit-you-if-you-don't-stop looks.

Hanako got the hint. He begrudgingly pulled away, knowing how painful her uppercuts were.

"Seriously, though." Hanako pouted. "It's boring being all alone! The Mokke wouldn't stop pestering me-"

"Geez, Hanako-san!" Y/N shook her head, laughing. "It's only been a day!"

"Felt like an eternity." He shrugged. Y/N blushed.

"A-Anyway, uhm..."

"So where have you been?" Hanako cut in, suddenly looking more serious. "Not to your mom again, have you?"

Y/N shuffled her feet.

"Actually, th-that's what I did..."

Hanako's eyes went as wide as full moons. He planted his hands on her shoulders.


"I wanted to get revenge, remember?"

Hanako sighed, his eyes half-slits in worry.

"What if you were hurt?"

"I wouldn't let her do that again." Y/N boldly raised her chin.

Hanako forced down a wide smile. He was proud to see how much confidence Y/N seemed to have these past few days.

"Well, if that's the case-"

His tight grip on her shoulders were making Y/N a little flustered.

"I was drawing!" Y/N hastily came up with another topic, hoping Hanako would pull away. Fortunately, he did.

"Oooooh! A drawing?" He marvelled, clasping his hands. "What is it?"

Y/N didn't expect to be interrogated so soon. She blushed, not willing to reveal her answer.

"W-well, I...."

She unfolded the paper she had drawn on from her pocket. The more she looked at Hanako, the more she was convinced she shouldn't reveal it.

Hanako frowned; rather than intimidating, Y/N found it made him look weirdly cute.

"Y/N-chan, I thought we were friends! Now you're keeping secrets~?"

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