Cut It Out! (Pt. 2)

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Y/N's E/C eyes opened with a start. They were alert and wide, looking for any sign of danger.

But the atmosphere was tranquil. She could no longer hear the snipping of the scissors or the roar of the waterfall. Overhead, she could see the rustling leaves of a hanging branch. A breeze flew by, but no birds sang.

It was quiet.

Almost too  quiet.

Y/N got on her feet, and it was only then that the cold hit her like a harsh slap on the face.

She let out a shuddering gasp and looked down at her uniform.

"It's drenched!"  She exclaimed to no one in particular.

She was aware of how still everything was. As peaceful as the garden around her is, she could not shake off the feeling that something was watching her.

Y/N furrowed her brows, running around to get past the cold. She cupped her face, letting out a yell for the first person she could think of:


No one replied. She tried other names.




When no one answered, Y/N stifled a sigh, finally arriving at his name.

"Hanako!" She called out, half-grumbling. "Is this funny to you? Making me all wet? Is it a sight to see?!"

It was still quiet.

Y/N tensed. Something was definitely wrong...

The sudden snapping of those huge scissors confirmed her suspicions.

She held her breath, scrambling behind a pillar, eyes wide.

"Y/N? Is that you?" A soothingly gentle voice called out.

Despite her looming fears, Y/N dared to take a peek.

What appeared to be a maiden in a white, billowing kimono was striding in through the garden. Her blonde hair was tied up in braided bun.

She held back a gasp. The Wonder was certainly very pretty.

"Come out!" She continued, the scissors snipping by her side dangerously. Her tone was gentle, but her cold green eyes betrayed it.

It was only then that Y/N's eye caught a small wooden house, with what seemed to contain...

'A pair of scissors!'

There was a funny white paper on it, too. With the symbol for "seal."

'Do I have to peel that off?'

"Found you."

Y/N forced her terror down, slowly turning to look to the right.

There stood the maiden, smiling. But it was one of no friendly emotion. It was one that a predator would give before eating its prey.

She instantly dropped down as the scissors slashed at where she had just been. The maiden huffed in disdain.

"You know, Y/N, I've heard a lot about you."

Y/N looked at her in confusion, but slowly slipped out of the pillar. The lady stepped out and followed pursuit.

"Number 7 has stirred a great deal because of you." She continued sourly. "Come closer, now! Aren't we friends? Haven't I introduced myself?"

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