A Night With a Spirit (Pt. 2)

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Kk's next 2 chapters will come out later. Sorry for delay; ya boi's got exams coming and she sUFFerIng

Also peeps be asking how many chapters there are left... maybe 6 or 7? There u go! This book is entering it's final part so yee ^^

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"You like her, don't you?"

Hanako's eyes were slits. He kept quiet, not wishing to say more.

"Awww, don't be like that, Amane~!" Tsukasa chided childishly, looking up at him with a pout. "I just want to know if she's free for me to take!"

Hanako's grip on his uniform grew taut.

"Why do you want her so badly?"

"I'll be honest, Amane." Tsukasa floated up, lazily dangling in a sleazy position. "I envied your bond. I want to have something like that, too... but Sakura's too boring. Plus, she has that one lovesick courter Natsuhiko," Tsukasa's face seemed to contort a little in distaste.

"Anyway! That's besides the point. I want her because I want to be happy, like you! Why does she have so much effect on you, Amane? 'She really that  special?"

Hanako wanted to retort defensively, but he didn't want to suffer from another bough of Tsukasa's teasing. He took a deep breath in.

"Love is not a thing you can simply toy around with," Hanako replied stiffly. Tsukasa's catlike eyes flew open wide.

"Heavens... you don't like her, Hanako..."

Hanako easened up a little.

"....you love  her!"

Hanako wanted to curl into a ball and hide.

"I didn't say that-"

"I DIdn'T sAY thAT!" Tsukasa copied his voice mockingly.

Hanako sighed, pulling away from his spot.

"I won't admit anything, Tsukasa." His eyes fell into half slits.

"Then I won't promise anything, either." Tsukasa floated up to him with a mischievous smirk.

"I won't promise I'll try to take her again... maybe be a little more forceful."

Hanako's eyes widened in fear. His voice grew shaky.

"No... you wouldn't dare..."

"Yes I would." Tsukasa was eye-level to him now, resting his head on one hand.

"So, what's it going to be? You gonna' step up your game or not?"

Hanako stayed quiet. Tsukasa smirked.

"Fine, then! I'll wait. You better make a move... or else~"

Hanako's heart raced in fear. With that, Tsukasa settled on the floor again, walking to the exit of the broadcasting room and swinging open the door.

"Heya, you two!"

Hanako stood dumbfounded, staring past his brother and unto Y/N. He certainly didn't want her to get harmed... not after all she'd been through.

But could he really do something as drastic as Tsukasa told him? "Make a move"?

'What am I going to do?'

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"See you, Aoi!"

"Anytime, Y/N!" The purple-haired girl shot her a bright smile before turning to walk home.

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