{This may sound silly-}

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Hullo! Have ya'll heard about the recent corona virus outbreak becoming a global health warning? Friendly reminder to keep yourselves safe! Don't forget your facemasks and to wash your hands.... you know the drill! Stay healthy, I'm very worried for ya'll... for everyone in general ;U;

I want to do a quick update on my end. The purpose is not to scare you, but to encourage you to prepare. Earth isn't really experiencing its best days right now.

My school encourages the usage of facemasks because the virus had spread to my city. A volcano here has erupted. My aunt in Australia has been affected and it hurts to see all the wildlife that was injured (I watched some vids. Made me tear up XC)

I've vented out my worries to some friends already... they're all as worried as me. We comforted eachother a lot. Thus, why I'm doing a short vent like this. I consider you all friends in a way; ya'll made me happy with all your comments and votes... you know, as happy as a friend would make me. You know what I mean :,}

Lastly, the next chapters will be longer and more emotional because... when I get stressed, I tend to write more. Don't think it's a bad thing; updating this book helps me cope with all the stuff that's happening right now.

Thank you for continuing to read, but prioritize your health and wellbeing first! Somehow, in a way, we'll get through 2020 together-

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