Confessing, But- (Pt. 2)

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Double update bc I can!!

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Day 4 of enjoying the school week with Hanako

Hanako gave her a reassuring smile.

Y/N was about to smile back, when something crashed into him, dragging him away from sight.

Y/N's eyes went wide in terror. She was about to speak, when-

"HANAKO, 7TH WONDER!" Kou declared at a tackled Hanako, pointing a funny gold staff at his chest. Y/N expected him to look terrified. Instead, he looked calm.

Almost bored.


"In this position?" Hanako yawned. "I don't want to die being bottom."

Kou blinked.

"What do you mean?"

Hanako took advantage of his innocence, using his confusion as an opportunity to slip away.

Kou's eyes went wide. He turned around to face him, shakily weilding the staff.

"Kou, were you?" Hanako grinned, now brandishing his famed butterknife.

"Yeah, that's right!" Kou roared. "Kou Minamoto! The last name you'll hear!"

"Minamoto." Hanako smiled. "A family of exorcists! Pleasure to meet you!"

Kou ignored him, charging at the ghost boy with all his might. Hanako stood there, whipping out a cape that appeared out of nowhere. He threw his wisps at Kou.

'Wow.' Y/N thought. 'They look like beyblades.'

Kou wasn't able to dodge them; he fell to the ground in pain.

Hanako slowly approached him, then leaned against his side.

"You alright?" He smiled goodnaturedly.

"B-Back off!" Kou stammered.
Y/N could see he was clearly scared by his shaky voice and dilated eyes; he just didn't want to show it.

"What a pity." Hanako sighed. "You want to be a great exorcist, don't you? I think you'll need to train a bit, first. I don't want to hurt you-"

Kou's eyes went wide at those words.

"You don't want to hurt me?!" He exclaimed in disbelief. "But the rumors say you murdered someone!"

Y/N's heart stopped.

Hanako murdered someone?

Hanako himself stiffened at those words.

This time, Kou took advantage of his discomfort, slashing at his arm with his staff.

Hanako's eyes went wide. He fell back, collapsing on the ground.

Y/N couldn't stand it.


Kou nearly dropped his staff in shock.


"STOP, PLEASE!" She gasped. Hanako slowly recovered from the hit of the staff, looking up at Y/N groggily.


"What do you mean?!" Kou pointed at Hanako. "He's dangerous, Y/N!"

"He's my friend."

"He's a murderer!"

"He's my friend."

Hanako couldn't explain the great amount of things he was feeling right now. All he could do was slowly reach out to Y/N, voice weak.

[To Live] T-B Hanako Kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now