Fullfillment (Pt.2)

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The pair settled back on the rooftop, looking towards the nightsky.

"That was fun." Hanako smiled.

"I'll never forget that." Y/N sighed.

"Hey, now. What's the time?"

Y/N tried to look for a clock. She spotted one in a faraway classroom.

Her smile immediately fell.


Even Hanako's cheerful expression dropped.

"Time really does fly, doesn't it?"

Y/N shrugged absently, keeping quiet. It looks like her time was really over, now.

"Hanako..." she mumbled, still feeling a little scared.


"...can you help me face this?"

The ghost siddled up closer to her.

"What do you mean?"

"If it's not too much to ask," she slowly looked up at him, pulling her eyes away from the stars.

"Can I have a few words of encouragement? You know, to relieve me from..."

She cringed a little, not wishing to say the word. However, the spirit got the hint.

Hanako immediately jumped into it, wanting to comfort her as best as he could.

"I heard you stood up to your bully! You're so strong  now... you spent time with a lot of your friends; your social skills, vastly  improved. You arranged your first hangout!  You spent lunch with Sabi-"

"Wait!"  Y/N looked up incredulously. "H-How do you know all that?!"

Hanako turned a little red.


"You said no wisps would follow me!"

"No wisps followed you," Hanako reassured. "I asked the Mokke to. Just to be sure."

That didn't make Y/N feel any less embarrassed.

"But why?  I can stand up for myself now!"

Hanako only stayed quiet, smiling at her so widely his cheeks hurt.

"The Mokke were right... you've gotten way  more confident. I'm impressed, Y/N. It's almost like a part of you ended..."

Y/N's eyes shone with pride and gratitude.

"It's because of you. You have been a great companion!"

"You  have been a better companion!"

"Me?"  Y/N shook her head in disdain, feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm stubborn. I'm shy. I have low grades. I'm reckless-"

"-yes you are." Hanako cut in, a close-eyed smile on his face.

"And that's why I like you!"

Y/N suddenly felt very small, turning red.


The echo of a faraway churchbell emanated through the cool night.
Y/N looked at the clock.


Hanako and Y/N looked at eachother, smiles now wiped from their faces. He affixed her with a steady look.

"It's time."

Y/N forced a confident stance.

"I'm ready."

Hanako stuck out his hand. She took it. He guided her to the most beautiful spot he could think of; the place where the moon was brightest.

He got out his knife. His grip was still as feeble as it had been before. As he slowly unsheathed it, its blade shone prominently in the moonlight.

The spirit could see a bead of sweat forming on Y/N's temple. He forced himself to be strong for her final moments.

"Thank you, Hanako." She murmured again.

Hanako clenched the hilt of his weapon.

"Will it be painless?" Y/N's voice cracked with anxiety.

He smiled weakly, taking off his hat. That way, it would feel more genuine.

"It will be. Just close your eyes."

Y/N obeyed. Hanako took a shaky breath in, pointing the blade's flat side against her chest.

With his free hand, he ran a hand through her H/C hair. If this was her first and last, he would make it the best she would receive.

Very gently, Hanako caressed one side of her face. He closed his eyes, leaned in, parted his lips-

"-wait, Hanako-kun."

Hanako instantly pulled away, his face burning so bad it felt like a wildfire.


Y/N's eyes flew open, perplexed. She tilted her head. Hanako had never been more humiliated.

"I uh-" He cleared his throat.

"I couldn't control- well no,  I mean- I couldn't help - okay, just-"

"What are you talking about?"

Hanako blinked. Then, after taking notice of her confusion, he let out a sigh of relief.

'She didn't see.'

"Ah! N-Nothing important...."

"Well, I just thought..." Y/N continued, lightly touching the blade of his knife.

"'It's almost like a part of you ended.'"  She murmured Hanako's words to herself ominously.

Hanako was about to express his confusion, when suddenly, the knife was pulled out of his grasp.

His jaw fell open. Y/N was usually frightened and clusmy with weapons. And yet...

...there she stood, a small smile on her face. A look of triumph in her eyes. She held the knife beside her head, looking at him confidently.

"Hanako, I understand now. I'll  be the one to finish this!"

The spirit's heart raced in panic. It was all going by too quick. He didn't expect any of this at all.

What was she thinking? What was going on? He had so many questions, but could only blurt one:

"Y/N!  What are you doing?!"

He never got his answer. All words were cut off by the swing of the blade.

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