New Rumors

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Three days prior to Y/N's arrival at Sukora, the Broadcasting Room...

"Tsukasa, I don't want to kill anyone anymore."

The apparition drifted down from his floating a little, eyes wide with great interest.

"So that  is your wish?"

Surrounded by shadows, the Sukora Wonder lifted her head, firy red eyes shining.

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Calm down!" The black-haired spirit laughed, shaking his head. The other grunted impatiently, crossing its arms.

Tsukasa rolled over mid-air, turning to face them even more closely.

"You want to step down from your position, right?"

"Yes." They firmly nodded.

"Then in that case, I've found the perfect successor." Tsukasa's eyes shone with malice.

"There is a girl coming to your school, Sukora. She will be a perfect fit."

He looked down at her, grinning widely.

"Y/N Tsukira."


'I'm going to make so many friends!'

'I'm going to defend myself against anyone who will hurt me!'

'I'll be more talkative!'

"Hello?" A brunette approached her. "You're the transferee, right?"

Y/N stumbled back, caught off guard by how close the boy was to her.

"U-Uhm, y-yes!" Y/N nodded furiously. "Y-Y/N Tsukira. I-"

"Nice to meet you." The brunette smiled awkwardly. Then, as if he wanted to leave, hastily took off.

Y/N turned red, holding her backpack straps even more tightly. She walked into the unfamiliar campus with a crestfallen look.

'I'm failing. Woohoo!'

Even though she had mapped out her school plan for months, any little talk someone unfamiliar did made her recoil in anxiety.

'Strangers are just friends you haven't made!'  Y/N chanted in her head, fighting her worry as curious stares from old students lied on her.

For the one hundredth time, she began to reminisce about Kamome.

At least there, she knew a few clique of people. She could melt away into the group and act like she belonged.

There, she knew everything. Here, she was nothing.


"Haven't you heard? They say the 12 pm Sewing Girl suffocated someone again!"

"The Nun's Daughter has been wandering in the school grounds."

"Is Hanahaki even real? Let alone the curer?"

Y/N listened intently to the murmuring of her new classmates, the boring lecture of her Homeroom teacher far away.

"The Guardian Angel is going to kill someone again!"

"The rumors said the sheets were stained with blood."

"Who could be laughing in that playground?"

"Hello? Hellooooo?"

Y/N snapped out of her intent listening, whipping around to turn to her seatmate.

[To Live] T-B Hanako Kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now