Case of the Missing Donuts (Part 2)

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Day 3 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

"We are sorry..."

Y/N crossed her arms at all of the Mokke, her brows furrowed.

"If you saw the note... then that means you knew it was for Hanako-san!"

"But he barely gets hungry!" A Mokke sniffed. "And we couldn't help it..."

Y/N sighed, shaking her head. She slumped down on the wall, some Mokkes coming up to cuddle her apologetically.

She absently poked their soft plummages. After some confused talking and introducing, she learned to grow comfortable with these Mokke; besides, it wasn't hard to have a liking to them. They were very friendly, clever pranksters... and obviously, incredibly cute.

"I can't believe it." Y/N said out of the blue.

The Mokke looked up in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"That you're all capable of killing."

A silence of Y/N staring at the Mokke in a disbelieving manner. Finally, one of them spoke up.

"We didn't want to be murderers." One of them squeaked sadly, bunny ears drooping.

"It's because of all those rumors!" Another piped up. "If we don't follow what your schoolmates say... we'll vanish!"

Y/N protectively grouped all the Mokke in one hug.

"I-I won't allow that!" Y/N held them close to her chest. "As mischievous as you are, you're all very nice..."

"Thank you!" One of them squeaked.

"By the way... that box of donuts, how important is it to you?"

Y/N looked down at the Mokke who asked the question. It seemed to regard her seriously, but Y/N didn't know why. She looked down.

"Well, uh... I spent my whole lunch money on that..."

All the Mokke immediately fell to a wave of hysteria.

"Oh my! You're so kind!"

"We'll make it up to you!

"No wonder why Hanako likes her!"

Y/N stiffened at one of their phrases.

"Hanako.... wh-what...?"

"Ah!" A bunny's eyes shone. "I think I know how we can say sorry!"

The bunnies hopped off of Y/N, clustering in a little niche. After quiet squeaking, they finally turned to Y/N.

"You said those donuts were for Hanako?"

Y/N nodded slowly.

"We'll help you get them back!"


"You'll see!" A Mokke cheerily squeaked. "By dismissal, come back to this room!"


"I couldn't find my flour for the science experiment..."

"My butterstick! It was this cool invention from Japan! Like a glue stick, but the glue is butter... now it's gone!"

"Have you seen my sprinkles?! They came from this candy kit I just bought-"


Judging by the panicked wreck the school was going through, Y/N could already guess what was in that room.

She slowly opened the door, and saw, on the table...

Eggs. Flour. Butterstick. Sprinkles. Salt. Sugar. Even more..... all the essentials to making donuts.

'H-How the hell did they get all of these?!'

She looked around for any signs of the Mokke, but they looked as if they weren't there.

"Thank you!" She quietly whispered anyway, hoping at least one of them would hear her.

Hanako was starting to get worried.

The wisp he had given Y/N had already returned to him, meaning...

...she left the school already?

He always liked to push away the pain of most things. But if he said he wasn't a little hurt, he'd be lying.

"Oh, well." He sighed to himself. "Who am I to feel this way?"

"Lookin' for someone?"

Hanako bolted up in surprise.

"WHO- oh... Mokke!"

The pink bunnies had surrounded Hanako, each with a teasing look on their faces.

"Who ya' thinkin' about?"

"The girl?"

"Definitely the girl."

"Defiiiinitely the giiirrrlll."

"Yeah, right!" Hanako laughed nervously, pulling away his gaze from the school grounds. It was true he had sat at the rooftop to look around for Y/N, but he wasn't that obsessed with her...

"Look, she has a name. Y/N  L/N. And the only reason I brought her up is..."

Hanako trailed off in annoyance at the smug looks on the Mokke's faces.

"...I've been thinking," he got out his knife, absently tracing it with a finger. "Should I let her be my partner..."

The Mokke bursted to a chorus of applause.




" partner in protecting spirits." Hanako finished icily, masking his embarrassment with a stern look.

The Mokke shrank back a little in fear. Hanako sighed. He turned away, pacing back inside the school.

"It's quite clear. It's already getting dark... Y/N's probably with someone else," Hanako mumbled sheepishly.

"Aww, look at the poor thing!" A Mokke teased. "He looks like he wants to steal something!"

"Huh?" Hanako tilted his head. "And what would I want to steal?"

"Y/N's heart."

Hanako couldn't fight down the heat on his cheeks. The Mokke bursted to a fit of giggles.

"Don't worry! We're artful thieves!"

"We'll help you steal it!"

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!" Hanako yelled loudly, covering his ears to not worsen his blush. "LET'S PLAY SOME CARDS AND FORGET THIS TALK!"

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