All Ends Well...?

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This is the first time I'm doing  first p.o.v. but.... hERE WE GO!!
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Strands of H/C hair fell to the ground. Y/N was startled; she didn't expect the knife to make such a clean cut.

"Y/N?!" Hanako rushed to her, but stopped midway once she put down the knife.

"There." Y/N looked up to the sky, E/C eyes soft with content. "Much better."

"What is?!"

"I think I've fulfilled the wish" Y/N pressed the knife to her chest, looking up at him hopefully. "Does it really have to be a physical death?"

Hanako still didn't understand her point. He tilted her head.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you think about it, you killed me." Y/N smiled calmly, eyes wistful. "You've changed me so much I'm not even the same person anymore."

Hanako finally understood. His legs felt weak from relief, but his mind was still reeling from the panic he had experienced before.

"Hanako-kun?" Y/N squeaked nervously as he rushed up to her, nearly tripping because of how his shaky his legs were.

With a start, he collapsed unto her arms, pulling her into the tightest hug Y/N had ever felt. The girl's eyes widened, stunned.

She was always the one giving him an embrace. Hanako was always awkward when it came to them.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his body pressed close to hers. Y/N could feel him tremble just a little in her steady grip. Y/N instantly grew worried.

"W-what's the matter?! I didn't fulfill it right?!"

Hanako stayed quiet, closing his eyes. Y/N's heart dropped.

"Are you going to disa-"

"Don't do that." Hanako cut in quietly, his eyes shining with a luster of relief and ferocity. "Don't ever  scare me again."

Y/N stiffened beside him, slowly putting down the knife.

"I'm sorry."

He stayed quiet.

Y/N slowly wrapped her own arms around Hanako, who still looked stunned and offput. She tried to give him the knife. His arms stayed locked around her waist.

"W-Will you disappear...?" Y/N croaked out nervously.

Hanako gave the faintest shake of a head. He still stayed quiet.

"Why are you so sad? "  Y/N whispered gently, her pulse finally relaxing by his response. "We fulfilled the wish. We're going to live!"

Hanako finally found his voice, though it was still dry and weak.

"I thought I was going to lose someone again."

Y/N's eyes widened.


She didn't understand, but she could tell that certain someone must've been precious to him. Y/N allowed Hanako to hug her even tighter than before.


Y/N's P.O.V.

Yesterday, Hanako killed me.

"Woah, you look different!"

"Y/N... you're pretty."

"You look beautiful with that hair!"

I swallowed a lump of emotions down my throat, trying my best not to break down and cry for the 100th time.

[To Live] T-B Hanako Kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now