Old Friend

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Congrats on making it dis far!! If youve been here sincelike.. the first chapter... consider urself virtually hugged by me

If youre new/skipping, I hope you enjoyed it eitherway!! Thx for ur support!!

Thank ya'll for making this book  an amazing and unforgettable experience!!

I am still deciding if whether or not, after I hit the 40th chapter, there will be a sequel...

Sorry if there's not a lot of Hanako in this chapter!

- - -
3 months later...


C/N watched in complete horror as Y/N kicked the sandbag, making it violently knock out a vase.

The younger Tsukira rushed into action, catching the precious porcelain before it could fall.

"Y/N?" Mrs. Tsukira's concerned voice called out from downstairs.

"What was that noise? Are you alright, honey?"

"We're fine!" C/N replied earnestly. To their relief, she went silent.

"That was so  cool, Y/N!" She pouted enviously. "I want to learn how to kick like that, too!"

"Just take some Taekwando lessons," Y/N dusted her shirt with a small smile, stretching her arms in a small warmup.

"But you learn so quick!"

"Did not!"

"What was your first move?" C/N tilted their head curiously.

Y/N sighed, feeling the old instinct of the once-only move she knew in her right arm. Slowly, she demonstrated an uppercut.

C/N clapped furiously. Y/N laughed.

"So what's that move for?!" They gushed.

"Defending yourself."

"From many guys?!"

"No. Just one."

"Who is  the one?"

Y/N's laughter trailed off in an instant. Something painful rose within her.

"Let's just say... I'd give anything to uppercut him again."

C/N was not satisfied by this answer. They peered over at Y/N suspiciously.

Luckily, Y/N was saved from the aching memories as her phone rang. F/S [Favorite song] resounded loudly in C/N's room.

"Welp! Gotta' go, little sis!"

"Y/N!"  C/N whined.

She apologetically smiled, rushing out of the room and whipping up her phone. She hastily answered the call.


"Y/N!" Kou's energetic voice blasted in her ears.

She nearly stumbled by how loud he was shouting. He sounded so excited!

"Hey, there!" Y/N smiled through the phone. That was how she'd been communicating with everyone throughtout the three months of summer.

She missed them all. And of course, above it...

Y/N sighed, not wanting to think about him.

"It's nearly back to school!" Kou cried in excitement. "If me and Yashiro can sneak a phone in, we'll contact Hanako for you!"

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