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Jungkook's P.O.V

I waited at the park until Jimin hyung appeared with.. Mr. Min?


I raised an eyebrow as the both of them approached me.

"Why is Mr. Min with you?" I asked.

Jimin hyung giggled. "Oh, I said I was going to take an early leave to meet with you and Mr. Min here offered to give me a ride." He chimed with a smile.

I hummed, holding out my hand to shake hands with Mr. Min.

"Nice to finally meet you Mr. Min, i'm Jungkook." I said with a smile.

He chuckled, shaking hands with me as he shook his head. "The pleasure's mine and No need to be formal, just call me Yoongi or hyung. Whatever you prefer." He said.

I nodded. "Yes hyung." I said softly.

"Well, I need to go back now. I still left some documents in my office." He said as both me and Jimin nodded, bidding goodbye at him as we bowed slightly before he left after saying goodbye as well.

"So..?" Jimin hyung then started, making me turn to him confused.

"So, what?" I asked.

"What did your father tell you?" He asked with a soft smile.

I frowned as I looked down, both of us sitting at a nearby bench.

"He.. he arranged a marriage for me.." I let out, almost like a whisper.

"Oh that's ni- wait, WHAT?!" He screamed as he stared at me bewildered.

I sighed, turning to him. "Yeah, he said it was for the best."

He blinked as he then tilted his head. "You're getting married... to whom?"

"Uhh... Appa mentioned someone named.. Taehyung?" I answered unsure.

He was processing until his jaw dropped. Literally.

"YOU MEAN THE TAEHYUNG?!" He screeched. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him straight in the eyes. "Yes..? What's got you screaming like this?"

He then grabbed me by my shoulders as he shook me vigorously. "JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT KIM TAEHYUNG IS A PERFECT HUBBY!-"

"Right.. fanboy fantasy.." I mumbled making him roll his eyes. "How would you even know if he's a perfect hubby? You haven't even met him and you don't even know how he acts genuinely-"

"Jungkook, honey. You don't question a fanboy like this. I know from head to toe that he's husband material, from his manners, his looks, his skil-"

"Ok, enough. If you know that much, why don't you marry him instead?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You don't have to be bitchy about it. I just admire him, besides I think I have a certain eye for someone either way. And also, did I mention that the both of you would make a perfect match?"

I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "I'm not being bitchy about it, and no, you didn't. But i'm still not ok with the fact about this marriage."

He sighed, standing up as well. "I get it. You still have that heart of yours closed. Maybe one day he could show you how to love again. Trust me Jungkook, it would be worth it." He assured with a smile.

I frowned, rubbing my arm as a way to comfort myself. "I just.. i'm scared. After a failed relationship, i'm not sure if this would end differently.." I admitted.

He smacked the back of my head. "Kookie darling, I love you, but, even if he was your first love, that don't mean he would be your last. You're still young.."

He trailed off as he made me look at the warm smile plastered on his face.

"It wouldn't hurt to give it a second chance."

Arranged Marriage (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now