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Taehyung's P.O.V

I made my way back to the living room after coming out of my room.

Humming a soft melody, I stopped in my tracks as I fell silent, hearing the conversation between what I think is Jungkook and Jin hyung.

"Jungkook, you know how much I love you and all.. but I don't know if I can keep this from you any longer.."


"I.. i'm sorry for hiding this from you ever since our college days, but.. Jungwoo, he.. he's been cheating on you ever since."

I felt my heart drop, when I heard Jungkook let out a shaky breath as he laughed bitterly.

"No wonder you never liked him.. but now, I don't care anymore."


"Hyung, Jimin hyung was right.. he's done nothing but manipulate me for his needs. It doesn't matter now, the feelings are slowly going away."

"What's the reason for that?"

"Taehyung. He's the reason."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"You talk so much about him, what's so special about him anyway? You just met him for like 2 days."

I heard a soft, warm giggle.

"I don't know hyung.. I can't put it in words, after all.. I just really feel that deep connection whenever i'm with him."

Then, Jin hyung hummed. "Fine, but whatever happens, we'll still be here for you. Get some rest, good night."

"Good night hyung."

I heard footsteps as I casually walked into the living room like I didn't hear anything.

I smiled at Jin hyung as he smiled a little, heading back to his room.

I smiled softly as I sat down in front of him.

"It's late, why are you still awake? Look at those dark circles under your eyes." I pointed.

"Can't really seem to fall asleep yet.. does it make me look ugly?" He asked.

"Goodness, no!" I answered with a frown. "Since when do you look ugly? Point out the times you do, let's see if it's true."

"Uhm, well.. the way I sleep-"


"The way I eat?-"


"Times I get angry-"


"When I cry-"


He fell silent, as he smiled, looking down. "Don't joke like that.." he whispered.

I stared at him, until I stood up and sat beside him, putting a hand on top of his.

"I don't joke around, Jungkook. When I speak out my thoughts, I don't joke or lie about it." I said.

"Then.. I appreciate it." He said, leaning onto me as he placed his head on my lap.

"It was such a ruckus earlier.." he whispered as he smiled.

I chuckled. "Tell me about it.. there was Jin hyung who was shoving a whole muffin in Jimin's mouth.."

He laughed lightly as he continued. "Namjoon hyung who broke a plate that was handed to him.."

"Even Hoseok hyung being chaotic as always." I finished.

He looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back at him.

"Your smile..." he trailed off.

"My smile?" I repeated.

He then caressed my cheek. "It suits you so much.." he whispered.

I chuckled. "Thank you."

He hummed, slowly closing his eyes as he fell asleep.

I stroked his hair gently as I stared at him fondly.

'What an angel.'

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