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Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared out the window as I watched the rain pour down endlessly.

Then a blanket was put over my shoulder, Taehyung went beside me and handed me a mug of hot chocolate.

I turned to him and smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks.." I said as I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Anything to cheer you up." He said, slinging an arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to keep me warm.

"How can someone like you.." I trailed off.


"Someone as angelic and ethereal exist in this corrupted world..?" I asked.

He chuckled, leaving a soft kiss on my head.

"I have my own flaws too, Jungkook.." he replied.

I looked up at him as I turned back to the window.

"I used to ask myself... what have I done wrong for him to leave me?"

"In my honest opinion dear.." he trailed off.

"He screwed up, and you did absolutely nothing wrong. You gave him your heart and you trusted him to keep it and protect it, but he couldn't. And honestly, he's not mature enough. He's not smart enough. If he was smart, he would have cared for you with every fiber of his being and been with you every spare second he could, but he didn't."

I let out a breath.

"Do you know where you were every time I feel at the peek of my last hold?" I asked.


"In the middle of the chaos, there was you who still accepted me after everything."

He chuckled. "You're special to me now, you know? I never let anyone get close to me.. that's why I stayed single for my past years."

I giggled, humming.

"But hey, you skipped the dating part and got married by then."

"Grateful enough to get married by an angel."

"I thought you were the angel here."

"Nope, it's you."

I smiled, looking up at him.

"Both of us are." I whispered softly as I leaned up, linking my lips with his.

Loving the sparks exploding in my insides as I felt butterflies in my stomach.

This was the second time we kissed, and yet I can't seem to refrain myself from getting addicted.

'Ah, here goes another rollercoaster of love.. would it be endless this time?'

3 months later...

"Jungkook, Koo... Darling~" Taehyung called, shaking me awake as I groaned.

"Wake up, we'll be late for work if you don't.."

I turned to my side. "Well think again for going too harsh on me last night.." I complained.

He chuckled. "Aw~ is my bunny sore?"

I turned back to him and shot a glare. "What do you think, asshole?" I said.

He smiled and kissed my forehead as he went on top of me.

"Well... you begged for more last night." He pointed.

"You seem pretty hostile from the usual Jungkook I know and love, are you really my Jungkookie?" He joked.

I pouted and looked away. "How cruel.."

"Look at me bun." He ordered, making me shiver as I made eye contact with him.

He then leaned down. "We didn't get to finish round two... care to continue where we left off?"

I gulped as I stuttered. "W-work..! Yeah, that sounds fun!"

He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "I'm joking.. let's take a shower, and you might wanna cover those hickeys on your neck." He pointed with a grin.

"Hmph, fine. But you better carry me to the bathroom. Take responsibility for your mess." I said.

He smiled. "Anything for my beautiul mess." He said as he got off me, picking me up as we both went to the bathroom.

"This better be an innocent shower Tae. I'm already sore as it is." I said.

He laughed. "Yeah, sure~ who know's what you'd suggest later on." He teased.

I blushed madly and hit his chest lightly.


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