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Jungkook's P.O.V

'Of all the places I would see him in... why here..?'

I asked to myself as my lips quivered, watching Jungwoo and who I assume is his girlfriend yelling at each other.

I took Taehyung's hand in mine as he squeezed it with comfort.

"Koo.." he called out as he pulled me into a hug, my eyes not leaving the couple.

The girlfriend slapped him and ran away, leaving Jungwoo stand there with wide eyes.

When he was about to leave, his eyes landed on me and Taehyung.

"Jeon.. Jungkook..?" He let out, surprised.

I frowned, refusing to open my mouth.

His eyes then travelled Taehyung, then down to our hands holding each other tightly.

He chuckled as he made eye contact with me.

"Aw~ found someone to replace me with, already?"

"At least he treats me better than you ever could.." I shot back with a weak glare.

He smirked, crossing his arms. "You're still the same slut as always. How about you leave that hunk of junk and come back with me."

I grit my teeth. "One, don't call me a slut when you were the one that seeped onto me like a leech. Second, don't call my husband junk when you are the trash here that's been polluting this damn world." I said as my anger rose up.

His eyes widened, taken aback by my words as he soon smiled like a fool. "You're joking... right?" He said.

I didn't care if Taehyung had been watching this unnecessary drama. I giggled and smiled at him. "Oh, does it look like i'm joking?"

He regained his composure. "Last time, you were so head over heels with me, don't lie like that. I know you don't love him, you're only using him." He said with confidence.

I grinned and rose my middle finger at him. "Bitch, i'd be damned if i'd still love you up until now. I'm not using him, i'm not like you." I said.

"But.. let me ask you a question.." I trailed off, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Did you really love me?" I asked.

He laughed, like it was a joke.

"Not even an inch." He said, and that was enough of an answer for me.

I smiled. "Then we're done here. Let's not see each other again." I said as I left with Taehyung.


Once we were far away from there, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as my legs gave out.

Good enough that Taehyung was there to catch me before I fell to my knees.


I smiled turning to Taehyung. "I'm fine, Tae... just overwhelmed." I assured.

He rose his hand to my cheek as he wiped away the tears I didn't know were already falling.

He smiled softly, resting his forehead on mine. "Funny how you would cry if you were only overwhelmed." He joked to ease the atmosphere.

I giggled softly and sniffed. "I'm sorry for being a burden to you.."

"You never were."

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