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Taehyung's P.O.V

I frowned, slowly putting my hands down as I nodded.

"Yes, why?"

She shook her head as she smiled helplessly. "No.. you're lying.. y-you said you only loved me!" She said as she began to laugh bitterly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't recall saying that? I don't even know you." I stated truthfully.

"No, no, you're lying..! You said it!" She forced as she pulled onto my tie.

"What are you- get your hands off me!"

She laughed. "You think you could just push me away like this?! I've loved you for many years KIM TAEHYUNG!" She exclaimed as she glared at me.

Then there goes the doors to Jungkook's office fling open.

"What do you think you're doing Soolin?" A voice boomed, anger could be heard laced into every word.

I turned to see Jungkook's piercing glare as he approached us. Pulling this girl's hands off me.

"I don't recall allowing the workers touch him." He said sternly.

"S-sir.. I-" she stuttered.

"Get back to work." He then ordered, clenching onto his jaw tightly.

'If looks could kill- oh shit.'

Soolin gulped and nodded as she scrambled towards the elevator and went back down.

"What the hell, Taehyung..?" He sighed as he turned to me.

"What were all those things she was spewing?" He asked.

"You never told me you knew each other."

I shook my head and frowned. "That's because I really don't know her.. she must've known who I am because of my status, but i've never met her my entire life. Swear." I explained.

"Are you sure..?" He asked softly as I could see a glint of hurt in his eyes.

I nodded. "Yes I am. This was the first time I saw her." I assured.

"Then what the hell happened to get her to do those things to you?" Jimin asked, coming out of the office.

"I just rejected her love letter.. was it wrong to do so? I'm already married, why would I still accept it?"

Jimin then grinned and whistled. "You got yourself a loyal man there Jungkook."

I rolled my eyes until my eyes widened in surprise when my husband hugged me.

"Good, because I don't want anyone else to have you.. you're mine, you hear me?" He said as he looked up at me, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

I smiled, kissing his forehead sweetly.

"I hear you my love.." I confirmed, hugging him back.

"Ewwww, PDA alert!"

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