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Jimin's P.O.V

Taehyung and Jungkook arrived few minutes later after me and Yoongi hyung arrived.

"Alright, where are we going?" Jungkook asked.

"The amusement park~" I chimed happily.


Both me and Jungkook watched Taehyung and Yoongi hyung play the game to get the stuffed toy me and Jungkook wanted.

I turned to Jungkook who watched Taehyung fondly.

I giggled, nudging him. "It's already about 2 days since you and Taehyung met. Are the both of you doing well?" I asked.

He hummed and nodded. "Yeah.. we're good. He's really.. sweet, despite his lack of experience in love." He answered.

"So, you're saying you're his first?"

He shrugged. "Something like that."

I hummed. Looking back at the two. "Have you found the difference between him and Jungwoo?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sort of.." he mumbled.

"What do you think it is?"

"Taehyung.. he just seems to be a remarkable man. As for Jungwoo.. I never really realized that he was a man full of lies." He admitted, rubbing his arm for comfort.

I sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"A man full of lies will come crawling back to you once he's done with who he ruined." I said.

He looked down, nodding. "I thought I closed my heart already, hyung. But him.." he emphasized as he looked back at Taehyung.

"He just broke in like it was nothing. The first time I met him, I felt a connection. With Jungwoo, I never felt anything at first.. I just felt so distracted by the way he made me happy..?"

I smiled. "Jungkook, what you and Jungwoo once had was not true love.. you were only infatuated. Every single thing he did, you did not mind, you only knew him from the surface, and not anything deeper. Those feelings will fade and turn into true love with someone more worthy of you.." I explained, glancing at Taehyung who already had the stuffed bunny Jungkook wanted.

He was only waiting for Yoongi hyung to finish.

"Do you not understand the reason behind why you feel so comfortable about anything with Taehyung?"

He turned to me. "I don't know.. why?"

"Because you're soulmates~"

He playfully rolled his eyes. "You read too much fanfiction." He said.

"I'm not joking Jungkook. Yes my reading of fanfics is on a huge whole level, but what i'm saying is true. Just the very first day and there already seemed like a connection between you two."

Jungkook's P.O.V

I thought of it for a moment

"Infatuated..? What's the difference of it from true love?" I asked.

"Infatuated, is also called puppy love. It's something like whatever the other party does, good or bad, you wouldn't care. You would just enjoy the fact of the tug of it, having fun, laughing, and having the need to talk about everything in each other's presence." He explained.

"As for true love, it's much more deeper than puppy love. It's about loving someone no matter what flaw they have, where you find out every single flaw about them and you would still love them just the same. To the point where both of you can be brutally honest with each other and you would still stay together. Where both of you could just stay in a room and not talk for hours and think that the latter's presence is enough." He finished.

He then crossed his arms. "Wait a little longer and you can see many more differences between them." He said as both Taehyung and Yoongi hyung came back with the stuffed toys.

Taehyung smiled softly and handed me the stuffed bunny.

"What's got you thinking like that?" He asked, flicking my forehead.

I smiled. "Not much, thank you for getting this for me.."

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You're welcome."

"Oh by the way, do you guys want to go on a few rides before eating out for-"

"Jeon- is that an engagement ring I see?" Jimin hyung cut Yoongi hyung off as he pointed at my finger.

I smiled a little. "Yeah..?"

"In the name of Jinlicious, Jungkook. I'm older than you but you're getting married a lot more earlier than me." He complained with a pout.

I giggled and shook my head. "Stop complaining, will you? You're supposed to be older than me but here you are whining like a kid." I shot back making him gasp.


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