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Jimin's P.O.V

He smiled a little as he nodded. "God, what have I done to get a kind-hearted yet short best friend?"

My eye twitched as I hit his shoulder. "Yah! I just comforted you and you do this to me?! How cruel!" I complained, making him laugh as he shook his head, that warm beautiful smile, radiated so much warmth that even civilians that passed by, stopped for a moment to watch the boy in awe.

I sighed. "Let's just go to the arcade." I said.

He hummed until he spoke. "Oh, which reminds me. Appa said to invite you for dinner."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"He said we're going to meet the Kims by then, if you're busy after this, it's ok-"

"And miss MY chance to meet the legendary Kim Taehyung? No way in hell!" I cut him off.

"Can you please not hurt me so bluntly like that..?" He pleaded, putting a hand on his heart.

"I feel so betrayed.." he said, sniffing a little.

I laughed as I shook my head. "Let's go play in the arcade real quick then go back to your house!" I said as I then started dragging him.


After playing for awhile, we then arrived at Jungkook's place as we were then greeted by an old lady.

"Welcome home Jungkook-ah. Your father and brother are waiting with the guests in the dining room." She noted while Jungkook smiled and nodded.

"Thank you grandma." He thanked as we both bowed to her and left for the dining room.

Once we were there, the chattering stopped as their attentions were turned to us.

"Jimin-ah! So glad you could come!" Uncle Yugyeom chimed happily as he smiled.

I smiled and bowed slightly. "Thank you for the invitation Uncle."

"Always welcome Child. Come sit with us you two." He said.

Hoseok then smiled as he gestured for me to sit beside him while both me and Jungkook sat beside each other.

"So, what's the reason for this?" Jungkook asked while I noticed that Taehyung had his eyes on Jungkook.

He stared at my best friend in awe, making me gasp silently.

'Omo, could this be love at first sight?! EEEKKK!!'

I mentally thought in excitement as I tried my best to not smile.

Jungkook's P.O.V

"Well, actually... we're here to talk about your marriage." He answered, making me frown.

"Why don't you and Taehyung introduce yourselves to each other first?" He suggested with a soft smile as I turned to Taehyung who stood up with a warm smile.

"Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you."

I stared at him as I slowly looked at his hand held out.

I sighed, shaking hands with him.

"Jeon Jungkook."


I hummed a soft melody as I stared at the stars, laying down on the grass in the garden, but then... I heard a deep, soothing voice sing a familiar song from the other side of the cherry blossom tree in the middle of the garden, making me sit up.

Taehyung,Jungkook, Tae & Kookie

"I woke up in a castle, in this blossoming garden, feeling so lonely."

"Hm~ I hung myself in this mess, filled with thorns."

I leaned onto the tree as I looked up at the dark blue sky once again.

I then began singing with the enchanting voice, not caring of who it is.

"Tell me what do they call you? Where are you running off to?"

"Oh could you tell me? Hm~ found you kept away in this garden."

Then, the voice continued the song.

"And I know your warmth is, the closest to reality, flowers that you made for me."

"Reaching for your hand.."

I sighed, looking down, hugging my knees.

"But this is my fate.. don't smile on me, light on me."

"No I could never take another step to you."

"Don't have a name to call me by anymore."

"You know that I can't.. show you me, give you me."

"The weaknesses that I hide, you can never see."

"I wear a mask again, so I could see you..."

"But I still want you.."

I closed my eyes, continuing to sing even if it was with some stranger.

"In this lonesome garden, wanna give you a flower.."

"Reminding me of you."


"To give you all to take this foolish mask off."

"But I know that I can never give you more than that."

"Forever may not be for us."

"Hide.. the ugly now."

"And i'm so afraid.."

"That in the end, you'll leave again.."

"I know that it's pathetic, what was I to do?"

"I wear a mask again so I could see you.."

"I'm crying my soul."

"I'm all alone."

"The walls won't hold."

"The castle made of sand is falling from within."

"I'm taking off the mask to go and meet you."

"And I still want you"

"But I still want you.."

"And I still want you~ oh~"

"And I still want you.. oh~ hm.."

"And I still want you.."

[You're welcome, you got the whole lyrics of the truth untold, English cover of Ysabelle Cuevas 😂]

There was a complete silence until the man from the other side chuckled softly.

"You have a wonderful voice.." he complimented.

I smiled a little, hugging my knees tighter. "Thank you, and your voice is really soothing.. it's like it washed all my worries away." I admitted.

"What.. are you worried about, if I may ask?"

I stared at the ground.

'Why talk to a stranger about these things..?'

"I'm worried of what will happen next. I'm getting married to someone that I barely knew and i'm just scared that it would end up the same as my past relationship.."

"And to think that I would talk about this to a stranger, who knows what you'll do to me if you come out of that spot of yours."

He laughed. "Well, to confirm your assumptions.. no, I don't intend on doing anything to harm you in any way." He assured.

"It's cold here, and it's already late. What brings you here by the way?" He asked.

"I just needed some fresh air."

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